I bought your game "Crysis 2 Limited Edition" and installed it on my 3 Computers (Laptop, Work- and Gamingsystem) for several times because within the months I was updating my hardware on the work- and gamingsystem so that I had to reinstall it.
Now, with my newest hardware, I was trying to install "Crysis 2 Limited Edition" again and suddenly there was the message that the activationlimit for my serialnumber has been overheaded and that I have to consult EA support to reset it.
I didn′t knew that I have to deauthorize the program each time I reinstall my computer (I just figured this out in some forums) so I kindly ask you to reset my account for "Crysis 2 Limited Edition" so that I can install and enjoy it again with my new mainboard.
I have also been contacting EA support and they told me that it is no problem to reset my serialnumber but for the moment they have no access to Crytec database. So they gave me this address here and told me to contact you concerning my problem.
Of course I can give you my Serialnumber if you request or I can also send you a copy of my buying bill so that you can see I am the rightful owner of the game (per mail).
Thank you very much for your attention and help.