I, also, no longer use house mods. When I want one, I go to my old daedric house that has a pool full of penguins. There's just not much to do in a house besides look at the pretty things you've collected.
Penguins? There's a penguin mod? Where?
Quests are good. Story time is good. NPCs that are memorable and that I'm not inclined to kill are good (I'm looking at you Fargoth).
Not much of that last one in the mods I have coming up, unfortunately. More like NPCs you HAVE to kill, or are dead already.

And forget the cheesecake - did you eat my chocolate?
No. I think that was Wolli. I could've swore I saw him lurking earlier...
I get the title reference. You've got alot of projects, but no publication...
And I have a publication.

*points to sig*
As for the topic, I think you should just drop it; anyone can make a house mod. Don't bother with it unless you just really want to =p
I could stand to leave it.
I already made a mushroom pod home for myself in Sadrith Mora, and the Telvanni questline gives you Tel Uvirith anyway.
You say you're interested in making a Telvanni house, so my advice is that If you want to make it though, go ahead and make it, even if it's just for your own satisfaction. Chances are you'll find other people will dl and use it too.
If I put it on the back-burner, it probably wouldn't be for very long.
Then crash from hitting the polygon limit.
Learned that the hard way with my now abandoned Dwemer ruin mod.