I like to travel back and forth between Zion and the Mojave for crafting ingredients and then noticed for some reason that nearly a full year of game time was passing. Then I decided to figure out what was causing this, and it was travelling from the Mojave to Zion. Does anybody else experience this, and is there a way to fix it?
On your first trip with Jed Masterson it takes about 2 weeks to get to Zion, which makes sense. It's only in Utah. On your way back when they die at the beginning, at takes about a year to get back to the Mojave. People say it's a glitch and that it's too much time for devs to let players wonder what the Courier did during all of that time. Others say it was meant to happen, some really don't care.
I don't really care, the FO games aren't very dependent on days anymore. You can start a quest that says "Meet Johnny at 4 AM tonight." and you can wait a year and it will go as if it were the same day the entire game.