I'm lucky if i get three hours a week to play video games, and more and more of those hours are being passed up for crappy ninties scifi movies on netflix (which os the only t.v. i watch outside of Adventure time and Yo Gaba Gaba with my 7 moth old).
Now skyrim is something i am truly looking forward too. TES had as much of an impact on me growing up as Zelda, Star Trek, and DnD. Now alas, as those DnD nights turned into poker nights, i find myself in a corner where i'm afraid i won't enjoy Skyrim as much as I did Daggerfall or Morrowind. Music doesn't reach down and grab me like it did when I was 15. Movies don't sweep as far away and convince me quite as much that i can be and do anything. At 26 you pretty much know what your capable of. The grand adventures of fatherhood and midterms makes blowing up death stars seem so trivial. Will it do the same for killing dragons? Or is that part of me that is capable of being that far detatched from realty really dead?
If it is that svcks cause i really enjoy that part of me.
The way things are looking it'll take me a week just to get past the manditory three hour character creation anyway...
Is anyone else looking at this same black void?