Here is the link for the video uploaded.
Now before I list off my notes I want to discuss moments where you can see different races in the demo.
1. @ 2:52 of my video, when it zooms in on the bandit marauders with the bow and arrow, you can see to be what looks like a female dunmer.
2. @3:04-3:21 a pretty awesome looking redguard bandit marauder. Seriously loving the look of theses races so far and they are so different from the other.
Okay now for my notes. I will be updating this when they show the next video for Skyrim tomorrow as well and I will be recording and uploading the video to my youtube again.
skyrim notes
be who you want, do what you want.
Rewritten graphics and gameplay to push the hardware filling the world with detail micro/macro. Snow flowing in the
wind looks great.
New animation systems for 3rd person, more viable option this time around.
Right trigger right hand left trigger left hand for weapons and spell usage. (looks like spells can be channeled for
longer durations instead of instant cast)
click both triggers at once, while two of the same spell is selected, for a more powerful spell.
Bleak Falls Barrow is a Snow-covered Nord ruin where the ancient Nords worshipped dragons.
over 150 dungeons.
instant detection seems to be gone and bows are more powerful. Can Zoom in with Bow.
Sneak attack for 2.0x damage with bow.
Dual Wielding swords seems to level up one handed
Heavy armor effected by being hit as usual
Nice finishing moves
Combat looks more visceral (sword slicing at enemy throat)
Bandit Marauder
Hitting causes enemy to stagger
Fire Spell that looks like a flamethrower and is a constant burn effect in front of caster.
undead will get out of their resting place to attack you.
Mind Control or turn undead spell allowing you to attack a running draugr.
AOE spell spinning in a circular motion.
Magical Staff shoots magic to light up the dungeon
Water looks great and can be used to navigate out of a dungeon.
Dungeon design looks fantastic.
Attack a mammoth and a giant will turn on you.
Tundra, wide open grass lands.
Elven weapons are back, Elven mace.
Dragons can attack whatever they want, friend or foe.
Dragons have many different attacks like picking up enemies and biting as well as dragon shouts. Dynamic dragons, no scripting
at least 300 hours of gameplay.
Can use guards to help against dragons
Stormcall, dragon shout that calls a thunderstorm to strike enemies.
Dragons land or crash to ground when hurt enough.
Not all dragons are out to destroy the world.
New finishing moves for dragons too.
3 factions. The College of winterhold (mage), the companions (fighter), the thieves guild.
7 major different regions in the game.
Todd looked like he felt awkward when he mentioned his game as a big contender at E3.