* Bigger world? They've already stated that Skyrim will be roughly the same size as OB. However with the vertical nature of mountains/hills etc. It should 'feel' bigger. Think of it this way... Imagine pushing a cone down into the ground, the circumference of the base would rapidly expand. That's how they're looking at it.
* Carriages have already been confirmed for fast travel?
* Cities looked pretty crowded to me?
Something something, PC exclusivity would've made it better, something something something, I deserve more than what I get, something something, I'm a modder and important something, DICE is the besterest best developer ever because they favor PC herpderp, something something.
Attributes refined properly instead of removed definitely would have made it better than getting rid of them.
Weapon Type variety. Yes, Crossbows, Spears/Polearms and Flails.
That's all I got so far, list might expand the more we learn.
Things I'd like, but not really part of any Elder Scrolls game's core.
->Large Cities was never a part of the Elder Scrolls really. They've always been kind of small.
->World size has to be a measurement of Volume, not area alone. Daggerfall had a ridiculous amount of area, but most of it was copy-pasta and about as compelling as a rock at a quarry. A world the size of Daggerfall with the depth of Morrowind would be idea, but also require around 163 Terabytes of install space.