» Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:11 am
I never cared about clans, and I probably never will.
You need to always play well to keep your rep up, and anybody who sees your tag will make assumptions that may not even be true.
Just like how when any player sees D4rK, they assume that player will use a feline and double melee. At least that's the impression they've made on me. Cause we never see you guys playing at less than 100%. You're always "Look, red dot on the corner of the map! go! kills!"
How people only use the most powerful and glitched guns all day is shocking. I mean, are they even having fun?
I used to play to win, and honestly, I was never more on-edge in my entire life. You know that moment when you're so into the game that you're dodging the bullets in real life too? That was me, and if I died more than once, I'd get frustrated. If the same guy killed me twice? MOVE AWAY FROM THE SCREEN MOM, SH*T JUST GOT SERIOUS.
But it was serious. It was serious all the time, and that's why I didn't have much fun. If you clan members enjoy playing seriously all the time, then great. You're lucky.
As for me, taking it seriously just isn't fun. So take your high K/D's and killstreaks somewhere else. Competition isn't my thing.
If you must hate, then don't hate clans, hate individuals. Generalizing is how racism started, you know.all weapon is powerfull
Clans don't always play serious, I was apart of a clan and a lot of it was fun and games, and sometimes it was a mix of both and sometimes the competitiveness was fantastic which made it fun! Being in a clan was the best thing in my opinion clan matches, friendly skirmishes, and just ordinary PvP with the guys made teamwork the main focus which is what its about. Without teamwork it can actually be the reason to be frustrated like when Im on top of the leader board and Im first in the my team and in the whole match yet we are losing badly because your teammates are complete noobs.