» Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:38 am
HI guys,
I'm pretty new at this game, I just came out of boot camp... and now I understand a little bit more of what happened to me when I tried to test some multiplayer action, I get killed over and over again with melee only, for the way they move and the damage they inflict to me with just one hit (it seemed like just one hit) I though there were some hackers in this game, so I stopped playing, this was months ago. Now that I read about it I think it is a cheap trick, and nothing more, it do not matter how you try and cover it up, high level players should amaze you with their pure skills not with a cheap trick like this.
with that said... I think I should get back to see some mp action... and hope I don't get across any double melee player. See you around.
Here we have a new player to Crysis 2. Did you see what he called you guys? Hackers, who play with cheap tricks. An example of every new player you guys play against. You made him quit.
I know you don't care, but this is a rare case when a new player actually checks the forums.
You put so much time and effort into Crysis 2, so you would want what's best for it, right? Or do you only want what's best for your score?
Now read what he said about you again. For once, hear the voices of the players you kill.