I started this topic because I saw too many people complaining or saying bad things about Skyrim, or wishing it was more like the previous two games. I thought I would share reasons why Skyrim is a great game and deserves more praise for the huge accomplishment Bethesda did.
I'm not going to compare Arena or Daggerfall, because I never played them. And I'm not including the other games because I never played them and to me, they aren't really part of TES series.
One last thing to note is I have played each game a huge amount of hours, so all of my comparrisons are (imo) reasonable.
Anyway, here's the list, as well as, some explanation on each one. I didn't want to just list things without giving any explanation as to why, something that Michael Bay needs to take a lesson or two on. (sorry couldn't resist)
1. The World
It's just as big, more colorful, and more detailed than the other games. I'm not going to compare graphics because at the time Morrowind came out, it had really good graphics, and when Oblivion came out it did too. Instead I will say that Skyrim is so much more colorful and beautiful in every way, compared to the rather average terrain of Oblivion and the rather brown and grey land of Morrowind.
2. The Music
This was a hard choice, but I believe the music, including SFX and ambient sounds is either equal to or better than the other games. The sounds of water, birds, howls, people, and city life make this a really immersive game.
3. Combat
This is really a no brainer. Skyrim has more actions, like finishers, bashing, attacking with a bow, which not great, it at least is a great addition. There are some negatives too though. How you can't equip a shield in your right hand, and you can't block with a one-handed weapon if you have something in your other hand makes no sense, I can only guess they did it for balancing issues. either way, the variety, animations, and overall fun is way better (imo) than the other games which were still rather simplified.
4. Mixing Magic and Melee
Another great idea, now you can easily mix magic and fight more easily with melee and magic, making for some fun fights. It seems more realistic and helps balance the game I think.
5. Favorites List
Though still not great because of the UI, this addtion is really good. It can get kind of botthersome when you have a bunch of things favorited, but since the other games didn't have this option at all, it is a better game for it.
6. Dragons!
Enough said lol.
7. NPC's
With the advancing technology, the AI in games should be getting better, so I'm not going to compare that because just like graphics, things change with time. However, the NPC's in this game are more interesting, gather around for dragons, talk amonst themselves better, and just have more interesting things to say. It now seems they have better stories and history that you can see just by observing them or the things they do. Along with the Companion addtion, the NPC's are just better.
8. Better Loot Buffs
I know they took out several buffs or spells from the previous games, like floating or feather. But they also added some nice addtions that I would never have thought of, like better alchemy, or mixes with several buffs. They also did many things with the perks and other things. Yes, it seems more simplified, but it also makes them less useless.
9. Quests
I can't remember a single quest from Morrowind that really blew me away, or created a unique experience. Oblivion did it much better. I can remember the painting quest and several others that weren't just fetch or escort quests. However, Skyrim really enchanced this when they added many hand-crafted dungeans and focused on developing single stories and interesting characters.
10. Perks
Why haven't these been in a previous game? This is what I think was really missing from the games, and gives further reasons for creating a new character or trying different paths. If a game increases replayability drastically from the other games, then there is no reason this could not be on the list.
You may notice that the UI isn't listed, amongst other things, that's because the UI is really bad, especially for PC users, which I am.
As for other things, I'm hoping you guys can add some of your own or add things that were better or worse as well.
I don't want this to start any kind of name-calling or console war either. Just a fan trying to express his fondness for all TES games.