I just want to know who actually suggested having simulated bodily functions in the game...
Anyone who cares about a realistic damage model?
Getting your stomach perforated should have different (and very unpleasant ...) effects from one of your lungs collapsing, or a broken rib, or tearing a muscle, and so on. Specific drugs / alchemy as well as by-products of parasites inhibit or accelerate specific reactions within the body, leading to symptoms you first have to learn to interpret before you can apply a proper treatment (as opposed to just treating the symptoms). All these things add
depth to the game, aside from the usual hacking and slashing and smashing ...
My number one, and a reason for me not to buy the game if it's in, is missing from the poll:
The game being Steam-only. So I went with motion control ... I like to play my games while on the train, sipping coffee, thanks a lot.