» Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:31 am
Multiplayer is by far the worst.
I think save erase on death, games ends, simulating bodily functions, guns, and starting as a child can all be integrated well in Skyrim, depending on how they're done. For example, an optional ironman mode where savegame erases on death, or steampunk guns in accordance with the lore (Skyrim is set further along the timeline, or just retcon it, it's not like Oblivion had a problem with that), simulating bodily functions can be enjoyable to an extent, the others are just dependent on the story.
3d and motion control aren't even a problem (don't use if you don't like), but it's just that it's resources put into something that doesn't fix any flaws in the previous game, but adds more decoration.
Actually, save points and 1:1 are pretty bad, too.