Did we play the same story? Its a perfect mix of FO3 and New Vegas, and somehow that is a bad thing?
Did we play the same story? Its a perfect mix of FO3 and New Vegas, and somehow that is a bad thing?
The only thing that I really dislike is a voiced playable character. The womans voice is fine but the mans voice/tone doesn't fit my character at all...it messes with my immersion every time he speaks.
ha same here.
1- i think Story is opinion. what i mean, for me F3 it was great and i think the same on 4, in the other hand FNV story have alot of issues.
2-VATS 100 % better now
3-Leveling is 100% better too, im not god anymore at level 20
4-Armor system is alot more fun now, i hope they bring it to ES since medieval armor fit perfectly for a layer system
5-make sense since is now u are force to take cover to heal, i like it make fight more intensives.
6-agree with u to a point. I dont want more songs. since the whole universe is stuck with the same songs so i now repetition isnt a problem, about the radio dude is yeah he is lame, but he make me turn off the radio and discover how GREAT the new ambient music is.
7-dude Legendary enemies is the best addition Fallout bring to Bethesda game. They are perfect.
8- I dont understand RADS work alot better now making actually impact on your HP
9- Dont understand this either.
10-U can kill alot of ppl some are just essential till a degree.
SAVE CORRUPT = Unacceptable in 2015.
NPCs randomly become hostile for no reason whatsoever, forcing you to reload a previous save so your companion doesn't desert you.
I liked the new radio. Should be few more musics from New Vegas, but its ok.
And the NCR and Mojave references are awesome.
1. Haven't finished main story, so no comment yet.
2. I like that vats don't stop time
3.) I like the leveling now, seems like I am more of a specialist at level 40 then F3 where I would be OP.
4.) I like to new armor system better then the one armor set fits all.
5.) I like the new stimpacks system it means no spamming stimpacks.
6.) 3 Dog svcked and there
7.) Legendary Creatures - meh they don't bother me but nor do they excite me.
8.) I like that rads actually do something. I never had any ill effects from rads before.
9.) ? Don't know what means.
10.) Indulgences were something I hated in previous games.
So overall I disagree but to each his own.
most of your beefs i think are pluses to the game. Only one i really agree on it the music. I dont even listen to the radio, because i have herd enough of those songs in my hundreds of hours in fallout 3
My own current Top 10 things I dislike about Fallout 4:
1. hateful group of players who just like to annoy others.
Since that attitude of this entire post is absolutely negative, shall I start one that says: "State 10 things you Like about Fallout 4"?
Just another excuse to complain.
My biggest complaint about F4 and all new games is the forums. Full of negativity and whiny, entitled attitudes.
Most of the stuff u point out are the things i hate from NV. =P
Anyone actually believe this ? 100 hours in and i've heard every line ten times and I am still yet to be bored with him.
Yeah the negativity it really tired me, ppl complain about everything, is just pathetic. Evey post u read you have the same ppl complain about sotry - RPG elements - game play - companions - UI. I wonder why they even bother buying the game sometimes.
If u dont like it just dont play it.
Well this is cheerful...
1. The story is different to FO3. Having done 150hrs it's a super story)
2. Vats doesn't stop time! Gives combat an urgency.
3.) Simplified Level upgrading & perks! Improved perk system, thanks.
4.) Armor system is changed! Much better armor system.
5.) Getting killed while trying to shoot up a Stimpak! Healing is not instant, it's a decent system. Get Nerd Rage if it troubles you.
6.) Radio is just ported over songs from F03. Three Dog > Travis. Why should old songs disappear, and Travis is fine (later).
7.) F! Legendary enemies! They are tough and have good loot.
8.) WTF Is up with Rads? Huh? They work well.
9.) Butch said my Pipboy was a hunk of junk! Pip-Boy is improved.
10.) So I can't kill people then wash away by sins by giving money to a church? Sounds reasonable.
Ah, I seem to have none of those on the dislike list.
Shame you didn't like them, but FO4 is much improved on FO3 (both still terrific).
I don't...care. With a statement like that about a game which is the OPPOSITE of Fallout 3 & 4 in that regard made by the very people who understand the Fallout universe best, you just destroyed any credibility in my eyes you may have once had.
But that is your opinion, right??? Alot of super hard-core fans of Fallout, dont like NV. Im sorry to said it bc the true is the story and some character on NV are horrible, and there are points on the main quest where u do stuff that have 0 senses. One of it is walking to Cesar to enter on the bunker to put the chip and he just let u, i mean HE IS CESAR he torture ppl for less.
You just made a list of things I like about this game.
I do think three dog was better though. But I like Confidence Man side quest which I went the whole 60 hours of my first play-through without realizing his dialogue can be completely changed
Not really, no. Also, not really, no. Most Black Isle fans were very happy with NV. I have yet to encounter the opposite, aside from Black Isle fans who refuse to play a FPS version of Fallout which doesn't really count since that means Bethesda's FPS Fallouts are also off the table.
But as for the "opinion" aspect...I could sit here and list examples of incredibly well-written locational storytelling such as Vault 11, and compare it to something equivalent in Fallout 4 but I don't get the impression that making a detailed comparative argument is going to matter much to you so I'm just going to refer back to: don't care.