Top 10 Things I Dislike About Fallout 4

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:02 pm

AKA I'm just "nitpicking!" But its really true!

1. The story is just a 360 of FO3

2. Vat doesn't stop time!

3.) Simplified Level upgrading & perks!

4.) Armor system is changed!

5.) Getting killed while trying to shoot up a Stimpak!

6.) Radio is just ported over songs from F03. Three Dog > Travis

7.) F! Legendary enemies!

8.) WTF Is up with Rads?

9.) Butch said my Pipboy was a hunk of junk!

10.) So I can't kill people then wash away by sins by giving money to a church?

Agree? Disagree?

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James Hate
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:00 pm

LOL, half the things on your list I consider pluses to the new game.

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Floor Punch
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:33 am

The armour system is great. It leads to a new breadth of customisation. It reminds me of Morrowind where you had separate pauldrons, leg pieces etc..I hope they carry on over to the next Elder Scrolls.

Also, most of the other things are also pluses for me too.

Also did you tell Butch 'That your pip boy doesn't look like much, but she's got it where it counts!' Or maybe 'She can do 0.5 past light speed.'?
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michael flanigan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:01 pm

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Jeff Turner
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:09 pm

1. Story isnt that great but thats not why most people bought the game anyway.

2. This is a great new addition. Makes you have some sense of urgency when using it. They got it perfect this game IMO.

3. I dont see why this a problem. There's still plenty of room for you to customize how you choose and get the perks you want, while also keeping magazines getting you new perks.

4. Again im not sure why this is a problem. I like being able to customize my armor and not have to wear a full suit of the same thing(I thought the armor system was similar in FO3 but its been a while).

5. This is not new to this game and is pretty awesome. Makes the game a little more difficult and makes you run for cover to heal which makes perfect sense.

6. Radio svcks, I agree there.

7. One of the best things about the game IMO. Always a pretty tough fight and give you nice loot as a reward(which is what most actions RPGs do lol).

8. I think the Rad system is too easy, if thats what you are getting at. There is so much Rad X and Radaway littered throughout the world that I hardly ever find it a problem. Not to mention power armor and hazmat suits making it a non factor.

9. No comment

10. You can give money to a "church" in a certain sidequest...

Edit: This thread's a joke isn't it.....

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Amy Cooper
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:42 pm

Nothing in your list is a negative. I LIKE the story. I LIKE the changes to VATS. I LOVE that radiation reduces max HP, making it an actual threat. I LOVE the leveling and perk system. I LOVE the armor system. ALL the stuff you list as a negative, I consider to be an improvement over the previous games.

tl;dr: I disagree with you.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:08 pm

A top ten eh?


1. UI is a mess, especially so for a lefthanded.

2. Dialogue and wheel, is, ehmm, not adequate in my mind, to put it politely.

3. Why on earth can't my character crawl through a space between two factory cross beams the size of a barn opening?

4. Do I really need to leave stealth whenever I use a terminal?

5. Where's my expertise skill checks in conversations?

6. Quests. They are so similar across the line, just different wrappings. Most involves, go shoot that / those thing(s) and fetch that item.

7. Companion controls. Please give an option for staying 10 feet BEHIND me and "don't shoot unless I do" !!

8. I can live with VATS not stopping time, altho I prefer it would.

9. Fix optimization. I can't stress that enough. I don't play atm because of frame drops being all over the place.

10. Fix NPC's being able to see through walls and trees / bushes like there where none.

I would probably have some gripes with the building aspect of the game, if I had used it. I have not, so there.

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:50 pm

1)I don't like the building UI. It's not the same as the trading or pipboy UI, it feels klunky, a hack, a mod, rather than something integral to the game.
2) The conversation wheel: pants. It wasn't broken, so why "fix" it?

3) I don't care about my companions. Seriously. I get one, they babble some stuff, I give them my junk to carry, they give me a perk, I dismiss them. Next. Guess I've been spoiled playing Dragon Age Inquisition, in that game you get to know your companions intimately, they feel "alive". Companions in FO4 don't, they're just NPCs who follow you around for no apparent reason.
4) Bugs everywhere. Raiders spawning in the middle of my settlement, settlers spawning on the roof, etc etc etc. Small things but things that desperately need an official/unofficial bugfix patch

Other than those, I think FO4 is superior in every way to FO3/NV/Skyrim. No complaints about the rest.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:12 pm

I hate that companions walk away while your talking to others missing out on likes that you need to unlock your companion perk.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:25 pm

I really only disagree with #10, which seems more like a joke anyway. My biggest complaint is the stupid ass new dialogue system.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:08 pm

my biggest gripe in the game is: you're overloaded with booty, you stumble towards your companion at a snail's pace, desperatly wanting to offload your loot, and they turn their backs and walk away quickly, forcing you to slow-mo run after them. "stoooooop!" lol

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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:25 pm

Command --> "go here" in front of you?^^ *playfull bark* :P

To the op:

1.-10. Days only last 24 hours, so not enough time to enjoy this masterpiece, so totally diasgree with you, sorry buddy^^

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Darren Chandler
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:12 am

1. I have only played FO3/NV 3 hours totaly so I would not know.

2. This makes things more interesting. My friend who loved "the old VATS" is totaly crazy over the new VATS. I don't use VATS that much but it's fun stacking shotgun shots in a group of raiders!

3. It's a good "level up system". I prefer this to "grinding numbers" like in Skyrim where you in the end anyway ends up choosing a perk.

4. Except for a lot to consider when it comes to armour and armour modding and the fact that some armour looks like quite bad from a protection point of view I don't mind it. It's new and fresh.

5. Healing over time is more realistic than instant healing. Besides, if you use a timpack, eat some food and so on you will speed up th ehealing process.

6. I have only played FO3/NV 3 hours totaly so I would not know.

7. Excdept for turning up mostly when I don't want them to turn up they spicy things up a bit. Although, it feels a bit stupid.

8-10... .... :)

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:58 pm

Completely disagree with point 8, Rads being changed to health damage is a godsend. Other then that I agree with the majority of stuff and I really hate how outfits can't have armor pieces. I know there's a way to do it but I shouldn't also have to do that in the 1st place.

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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:15 pm

I'd say I mostly disagree.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:29 pm

In Fallout 4, you can choose which factions you can let live or destroy. Whereas in Fallout 3, you had to join the BoS and follow their orders in order to do the MQ.

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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:53 pm

1 - Voiced protagonist really hurts the freedom of having any sort of character you want, can be very immersion breaking if you character does not at all fit with the voice

2 - Dialogue weel and dialogue in general feels very "dumbed downed"

3 - Does not seem to be as much freedom in general in quests etc, very hard to play anything else then a goodie goodie father. You are either very good or just good but a little rude, no room really to play an evil character. The perks like cannibalism and idiot savant further clash with everything else the game is now since it does not fit at all with the premade character you have been given.

4 - While I actually think the story is quite good it does not work well to have such a focused main quest with a free rpg since the urgency in it makes it feel strange to do anything else if you are trying to play logical and you are constantly reminded of the main quest.

5 - Could have made a more interesting survival diff with more realistic damage instead of just bullet spoonge, look at games like Deus Ex for good example. Would also been better with more immersion elements in this mode, like need for sleep and food, more realistic carry weight, more dangerous radiation, etc etc.

6 - The settlement building part in general feels a bit immersion breaking to me, the way you just create things out of thin air and have a happiness meter etc etc makes it feel very "gamey". It makes the rest of the world seem less real to me.

7 - Seems to be lot more in your face fireworks for everything you do like in many other games. When you get a charm test right you get a big sound effect and a thumbs up from the pipboy character, it all feels very "gamey" again and less about immersion.

8 - Not a fan that you get a message about if your companion liked or disliked something you said in a dialogue, feels "gamey" again. Would be better if they commented on what you said after or in the middle of the dialogue and you would have to gauge if they disliked or liked something by what they said.

9 - Still not possible to sleep in an "owned" bed even after you have killed and looted a whole village.

10 - Feels very hand holding in the way companions can't die and there also seems to be many protected NPC characters in general.

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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:42 am

Me too
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:45 am

Like most people who have replied to this thread already, I agree with them. Most of the features listed are improvements to the game, not unimprovements.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:03 pm

pretty much agree with everything you said. I also miss having SPECIAL and skill checks in conversations like in NV. That made conversations more interesting, and led to some pretty humorous exchanges.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:25 pm

Your list basically says "The game is actually a little challenging now in comparison to Fallout 3 and I don't like that." Also:

  • Three Dog was the worst. The absolute worst. Good riddance.
  • your 10th complaint made me :lmao: so thanks for that.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:30 am

1. The story is just a 360 of FO3
Me: The only similarity I see is that you're a parent looking for his/her child. I don't recall the rest of the plot revolving around purifying the ground with some crazy gizmo tech.

2. Vat doesn't stop time!
Me: I'm glad of that. I can handle 'bullet time', but time stopping so I can freely select a body part? Nope.

3.) Simplified Level upgrading & perks!
Me: Eh...

4.) Armor system is changed!
Me: I like it.

5.) Getting killed while trying to shoot up a Stimpak!
Me: I find it more realistic than the apparent 'stop time so you can inject yourself with Stimpak' thing from FO3.

6.) Radio is just ported over songs from F03. Three Dog > Travis
Me: Well, maybe those songs are quite popular?

7.) F! Legendary enemies!
Me: You don't like a challenge?

8.) WTF Is up with Rads?
Me: It's...kind of set after a nuclear war which would leave a lot of radiation all over the place. I dunno, man, they literally show us this in the prologue.

9.) Butch said my Pipboy was a hunk of junk!
Me: He's not even in this game!

10.) So I can't kill people then wash away by sins by giving money to a church?
Me: Because churches don't exist in this setting?
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:06 pm

Finally someone agrees with me. Dude was so obnoxious.

There's a church in DC
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:26 pm

Obnoxious and poorly written. First thing I did after meeting him was Sandman his ass goodbye.

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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:28 am

Obnoxious AND an [censored].

"Oh hey teenage kid. So you're looking for your father, huh? Well how about this, I'll tell you where he is... But only if you'll travel into the most dangerous part of DC on a suicide mission for me first! Fair trade? Maybe not. But I gotta fight the good fight!"
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