Top 5 Things You Hope For

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:34 pm

1. Radiant AI to be all that it can be.
2. Radiant Story to work out great.
3. Extra Graphical features for PC.
4. The new skills system to feel deep.
5. Morrowind Magic (The feel of the game in general, not Magic as in spells.)

Things I was wishing for but now know are out.
1. Indoor and outdoor seamless loading. No more cells, being able to look through windows, ect.
2. Dynamic Snow, to the point of building up and melting not physics based.
3. 3D Support.
4. Armor slots from Morrowind.

Regarding the underlined items above, where have you seen these confirmed as "out" of Skyrim? I haven't seen anything where the devs have confirmed they are still using cells for interiors, and I haven't seen ANY information regarding armor slots.
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:37 pm

Everything i've read for Skyrim so far has got me excited, because it's all stuff i've really been hoping would be added or improved since playing oblivion.

I think my biggest hope is that radiant ai, radiant story, and levelling systems are all polished and done well. That would really be the best. Aside from that, i'd love it if climbing returned, but it's less of a dealbreaker.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:26 pm

Ambiant wildlife, with producers n predators, like floaks of birds that fly off, rabbits and packs of animals.

Smaller preditors should act more defensively when pasted by (like the coyotes in fallout nv) so as to seem more real n make travel less painfall.

Crafting to include, not only weapons, but cloths n armour, putting use to your animal skins n random cloth, with some degree of person design for all crafted kit not just generic sword from some generic alloy.

Make crafted items worth alot more than the sum of there parts so as to increase the point if crafting duplicates.

More choise in house either with more places to buy or just not haveing the enoying "steal" over all containers n beds when their owners are dead or bad guys, then any house could be a home.

Houses contence should not respawn ruining your set up n no containers should respawn or if some must they should all be given the same generic tag, to stop confusion.

Variance in combat, from on horse back to on foot and one handed, to two handed and duel wield, all should have there benefits and weaknesses and all feel as different as each weapon it's self.

Ambient towns, random events, market stools and travelling carts. Along with lively hoods, resources and shelter for the towns people, with realistic layouts so the towns feel functional and alive.

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[ becca ]
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:17 am

1: A story as well-written as Morrowind's was. Oblivion's was so cliche in comparison. But if Alduin is Akatosh, then there's a lot of potential for a really thought-provoking story. I hope they realise it.
And seriously, let's see some of the huge amount of lore make it into other parts of the game besides books! I mean, there's just a ridiculous amount going on in TES lore, but the quest lines are always, "There's a bad guy! Kill him and I'll give you a hundred gold!" I wanna see some really deep, lore-based stories!

2: More localized guilds. The Fighters' and Mages' Guild in Oblivion were great, but I always thought it was sort of annoying that a quest from the Chorrol Fighters' Guild would send me down to Leyawiin when there was already a local Fighters' Guild down there. I mean, if I needed a fighter, I would hire him from the nearest possible source! Not only was it illogical, but it also made the world seem smaller when an NPC could be bothered to travel to the other end of the map just to get someone to collect a couple imp gall for a potion. So I hope the guilds focus on local areas and logical quests instead of just being a hub for whatever random quests are available at the time.
They could even take it further and have each chapter of a guild have its own story arc. You could work on them simultaneously and advancement would be based on your overall quests finished between all chapters, instead of a linear, "You finished this quest? You're promoted!" system. You could still advance quite a ways in a single chapter and moving to the next one would never be required.

3: This ties in with number two. When I come upon a town, I want to be able to stay there for a while. In previous games, you could travel so quickly from place to place that there was no real sense of adventure when travelling; it took away from the classical feel of the world to always be running between towns. I might as well have driven a car from place to place.
So, ideally, each town will have a ton of local quests and nearby dungeons, and enough shops and resources that I can sustain myself in one area (and remain entertained) for at least a few IRL days. This concept is done very well in medieval MMOs with much simpler game mechanics, it shouldn't be that hard to pull off here.

4: Quests and factions that stand in a moral gray area. In Oblivion, everything was black and white. Knights of the Nine were good, Thieves Guild was bad. You could let the bad guy get away with it for 200 gold or you could report him to the authorities so "justice could be done". There are no difficult decisions to make and little room for roleplay in quests.
Morally gray factions were dealt with very well in F:NV. If Bethesda takes any hints from that, it'll be fine.
It would also be nice to be able to opt for a group of mercenaries like the Blackwater Company instead of the Fighters' Guild. Or even have one of the factions be a Bandit Clan. That would give us more options AND make quite a bit of sense... I mean, with all these thousands of bandits, their entry requirements must be pretty lax!
With the new Radiant Story model, this could make it so that you would be attacked by Fighters' Guild members, roving bands of heroes/vigilantes, or even rival bandit clans, instead of just no-name bandits.
This idea might be stretching it, but it would really allow every playthrough to be a completely different experience... And, realistically, how hard is it to change an NPC's name from "Bandit" to "Vigilante" based on Infamy?

5: More fun activities in town. Woodcutting, mining and cooking have been confirmed, and that's awesome. I'd also like to see drinking, gambling, and maybe a fight club of some sort. Although that really depends on how well they've remodeled the combat system.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:17 pm

1-Sellable stolen goods
2-Non-object-launching physics.
3-Unique feeling NPC's
4-Atmosphere that is TES and not your average MMO/RPG
5-Realistic AI (meaning no psychic guards,better reactions,not an ai meant for "game-balancing"
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:30 pm

1. Actually meeting other adventurers outside of towns, who doesn't kill you on sight.
2. Very dark caverns.
3. Having the Argonian tail wave naturally.
4. Setting stuff on fire with firebolts and torches.
5. Having realistic ice which can break when you walk on it.
5. Werebears!
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:15 pm

1. no god-like guards....that one we all know about from oblivion
2. being able to sell stolen goods to shops, how the hell do they know its stolen if i got away with stealing it?
3. more weapons/armors/clothing. I would love to have something to spend on in the game unlike oblivion where it was so limited.
4. Make it worth being a theif, in oblivion there wasnt a worthwhile reason to steal, i mean i always play thief characters and dont find anything worth stealing other than common household items and the occasional jewlery, nothing worth and insane amount of money or anything...
5. npc personalities. disposition based on your appearance or how you act or what faction and the likes, oblivion touched on it but it could be so much more that that honestly.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:55 pm

1. Better animations/character models, including the ability to see my legs in first person. Please!
2. Incredible new lore, hopefully some of which explains the deal with "dragons being banished thousands of years ago" :confused:
3. More unique weapons/armor in the game scattered around the world that do not level. I,e Mehrunes Razor is just as awesome at level 1 as it is at level 50.
4. A ton of different voice actors amongst the races, including unique ones for key characters.
5. Enough variety in finishers so they don't become "meh" after the first few hours.
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:43 am

1. Larger, spread out gameworld. Huge mountains. Lots to explore.

2. In-depth NPC's. Or at least NPC's with some degree of personality or something different to say. Give them quirks, you know. Shy, bold, mean, degrading or adoring, talkative or busy etc.

3. Better animation. On everything.

4. Better writing. Everywhere.

5.A refined sense of Culture. Morrowind did this right. Very unique cultures and people groups.

6. <3
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:18 pm

1. Spears, one handed with a shield, and is why.
2. A story that makes Morrowind look like a cheap novel.
3. A game world that makes Oblivion look like something I would have drawn. And I can't draw.
4. Good balance from 1st level to 50th level.
5. I'd like to be able to get drunk like Julan Ashlander.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:45 pm

1. Non-linear story and well written characters
2. Environment that feels "alive" (weather system, eco system)
3. Functional Radiant AI and Radiant Story
4. Balanced, challenging level scaling and RPG system
5. More variety in combat, throwing weapons and crossbows
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:28 pm

1. More and varied armour types
2. Morrowind style fast travel
3. Hand placed loot
4. Levitation, Mark/Recall
5. Medium Armour

I know i wont get most of them though.

You hit everyone.....especially levitation/mark/recall. Also, I love great looking armor like intricate and detailed chainmail with leather. I'm not too worried though about armor because this game has some of the best modders in the world of gaming and they are extremely generious with their time and talent. :wub:
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:42 am

1. Better AI
2. A reasonable level scaling system
3. Bigger and/or more detailed world
4. Better combat (less bash-bash, more think-think?)
5. More armor/weapon materials/styles
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Jessica White
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:58 am

1. No Dark Brotherhood or Thieve's Guild, or at the very least larger penalties with the NPCs to be a member of the factions.
2. No alcohol or drugs
3. NPCs that recognize what you are wearing and comment on it
4. Quests for the Nine Divines, or else as a faction, for maybe their artifacts that can help you against Alduin
5. Oblivion style Fast Travel
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:17 pm

1. Pole-arms and other weapons from Morrowind

2. Medium Armor

3. Capes and Cloaks

4. Achievable lichdom

5. Necromancer cult
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:22 pm

Great thread! I like that the ideas are very simple and to the point - It makes it easy to see what many of us consider important.

Rivendell, that fight scene is awesome.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:47 pm

1. No Dark Brotherhood or Thieve's Guild, or at the very least larger penalties with the NPCs to be a member of the factions.
2. No alcohol or drugs
5. Oblivion style Fast Travel

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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:24 am

  • Living breathing world.

  • Choice & Consequence

  • Specialization

  • Different paths to the same goal.

  • Great combat

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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:33 pm

-Fixed level scaling
-Better voice acting and more voices
-Make Skyrim more stealth friendly than Oblivion, (merchants shouldn't recognize stolen goods, guards shouldn't instantly know when a crime is being commited out of sight)
-Better main story
- Grittier and darker than Oblivion
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:25 pm


Not really, they just do not fit into my gameplay style, is all. I always play as a noble knight that always does good things, not evil things. And, no, I do no think they will do any of the three, but it is what we want to see, not what we think we will see. But in the end, they are all optional to use, I have never played the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild questline, nor have any of my characters drank any alcohol or used drugs.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:29 am

I trust Bethesda to make a killer game. Whatever it is, it'll be amazing. That said there are a few things I DON'T think we'll see but I would have loved.

So... My top 5 most unrealistic dreams for TESV.

1)SMART movement. The first time I saw that Brink footage I knew it was the future of FPS's and as fun as that sounds, I could think of no better use for Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain then Tamriel. Imagine it leveling along Acrobatics, the animations elaborating as you go... A low level character can hops fences and such but a master can nimbly traverse the rooftops and cliff sides with fluid grace. Which ties to...

2)Hands. Not just the brilliant and intuitive two-handed combat system they are going for but true interaction with your environment. Pull yourself up from a ledge. Pick up a sword with your hand and just like that, you are holding it. Grab a doorknob and open a door in real time. Reach out and touch a ruin stone to absorb it's power. Dip your hand in water and drink it. Similar to what the SMART system does for feet. Press the same button we currently press to interact with any given object only now there is an animation of your character responding as they should within context.

3) Seasons. Not just the asthestics of snow and red leaves either. Holiday festivities, Harvests, seasonal crops, dynamic weather changes, missions, such as defending towns from annual goblin attacks around harvest time. The common arguement is that not enough time passes in one playthrough but I think a better sleep schedule or even starting the game in a different season each time would alleviate that concern. Even one full year is enough to dynamically alter a playthough.

4)Senche Companion. What I started with was the desire to pick my Moon Phase for my Khajiit. If I wanted to be Senche (Khajiit large and strong enough to be ridden as mounts but still considered sentient beings, equals among their Khajiit Peers) or any other type, I should be allowed to. But I really don't think that will happen and I know that they ARE focusing on fleshing out the differences between races, so that's close enough. What I came up with instead was a Senche Companion. He's burly, surly and doesn't like being ridden... But you CAN ride him, as you would a horse. I think this could make for a great relationship.

5)Flight. Not just levitation or Dragon Riding, though both sound great but true sustained flight. Anna?g forged the way, so I feel like this is the one unrealistic hope I have that is not all that unrealistic at all. In fact, given how pivotal that was to the plot of Infernal City, I suspect that flight potions are truly a part of the game... Hell, there is probably a Dragon Shout for it... They are supposed to grant you the power of the Dragons, afterall. Imagine that. Roaring yourself into the sky.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:15 am

1- Jobs = Immersion = Fun
2- Weather having an effect on people = Immersion = Fun
3- Radiant AI(Improved) = Immersion to a new level = RPing is better = Fun
4- New combat system = Not boring = More to do and experiment with = Fun
5- No Level scaling = Realistic and fun
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:13 am

Not really, they just do not fit into my gameplay style, is all. I always play as a noble knight that always does good things, not evil things. And, no, I do no think they will do any of the three, but it is what we want to see, not what we think we will see. But in the end, they are all optional to use, I have never played the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild questline, nor have any of my characters drank any alcohol or used drugs.

Still, that is no reason to nick entire guilds. I play a mage, but I'm not about to say "No fighters guild" Just because you don't use something doesn't mean it shouldn't exist for other players, or not be a part of the world. It would be boring if everything catered to being a warrior, even if I loved playing as a warrior.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:22 am

Still, that is no reason to nick entire guilds. I play a mage, but I'm not about to say "No fighters guild" Just because you don't use something doesn't mean it shouldn't exist for other players, or not be a part of the world. It would be boring if everything catered to being a warrior, even if I loved playing as a warrior.

Yes, but to me these types of threads are more about what we would want to see that would make the game ideal to each player, not as a whole, as each player plays differently. So in my game, yes it would be valid to nix the guild as I would not be using it, but in other people's games it would not be, maybe another person would not want any churches as they do not like those types of things. Ultimately all these things will be included, as we know they will, as they have been in the other games in the series. It is just a matter of the player choice to do them or not, as all the faction quests and side quests are totally optional, well in truth so was the main quest in Oblivion and Morrowind.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:38 am

Wow! You guys have some high expectations! In particular reading about the ideas for "radiant AI" and "fully interactive world" "more realistic physics" and the like . . . Wow. Sounds more like a description of an interactive simulator :)

If they can actually pull that stuff off with a PC game that sells for ~$50 or $60 new and will run on a reasonable contemporary rig, then I'm PSYCHED!

However, in the interest of not being disappointed, I'll keep my expectations a bit lower.

1. Option to play the game and never have to install Steam Client app or login to Steam to authenticate (e.g., something like I did for Oblivion GOTY or Fallout3 both purchased from the online gamesas store).

That one is a deal breaker for me (and evidently quite a few of us) so I could say, no matter what, if that hope is fulfilled I'm happy. But in the interest of expanding a bit.

2. Less robotic NPCs
3. Ability to smash and burn things
4. Eating, sleeping, tiredness, thirst, all seamlessly integrated into the game
5. Enhanced crafting, repairing, building working
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