Top 5 Things You Hope For

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:29 am

List the top 5 things you want in Skyrim in order from most wanted.

Mine are:

1. Return of a Morrowind-like armor system (peace-meel?) where pauldrens, gloves, can be equipted one at a time or two different.
Would be great if it was improved over morrowind so you could equipt one of each boot as well. Also the ability to wear cloths under armor and robes/skirts over top of armor.
Also wouldn't it be great to choose where you holster your weapons ? Wear a short sword/dagger on your ankle or sideways across the small of your back.

2. Visible damages. Cuts, wounds, burn marks from fire magic, etc etc. NPCs as well as PC. Also your armor/clothes would get damaged (dents, scraqes, tears) until repaired/mended and dirty (blood/mud) until cleaned. Cuts would become scars on both NPCs (if left alive) as well as PC. Black and white 1 had this implemented on the creatures so we know it's possible.

3. MORE armor and weapons. Oblivon and morrowind just didn't cut it imo. Oblivion was worse. Helms especially. We also need more uniques (with unique models) like boots of blinding speed !
And a kill counter would be nice on weapons.

4. Realistic combat with limb specific damage. Not just health bars. If i shoot someone in the foot with 20 arrows it shouldn't kill them. One to an unarmored head should instant kill. One in the stomach might kill over time from infection. A few into the torso would probably kill. It would have limits for fun tho, it wouldn't be real world just alot realer than it is in games now. Also dismemberment on NPCs, monsters (hacking a spiders limbs off with each swing of blade), as well as the PC (rarely) getting arms and legs cut off. You could go and buy peg legs though... or maybe regrow an arm with conjuration magic (zombie arm for strength like princess monoke) or high level restoration (your old arm good as new)

5.More control. In oblivion you can crouch and walk and run. You can sit in benches and that's about it. I would like to be able to sit ANYWHERE. And lie down and crawl on the ground like metal gear solid thru a mud puddle and get all covered in mud. Climbing would be great too. It would also be cool if your character actually reached out and grabed items when moving them instead of them just hovering in front of you. Seeing your LEGSSS !!!

These are all possible and have been in games in some fashion or another for years now. I was going to put a "chohesive world" with no between any dungeons or buildings in the entire game, but i doubt it's possible with these consoles. IT would be sweet tho. Hording a corpse pile in your house for later eating (cannibal kajit roleplaying) or taking the heads of slain foes and stringing them on your shelf like trophies!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:18 pm

1. Radiant AI to be all that it can be.
2. Radiant Story to work out great.
3. Extra Graphical features for PC.
4. The new skills system to feel deep.
5. Morrowind Magic (The feel of the game in general, not Magic as in spells.)

Things I was wishing for but now know are out.
1. Indoor and outdoor seamless loading. No more cells, being able to look through windows, ect.
2. Dynamic Snow, to the point of building up and melting not physics based.
3. 3D Support.
4. Armor slots from Morrowind.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:08 pm

1. An awesome TES game.
2. An awesome TES game.
3. An awesome TES game.
4. An awesome TES game.
5. An awesome TES game.

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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:07 am

1. Spears
2. Spears
3. Spears
4. Spears
5. Spears

'Nuff said.
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:49 am

4. Armor slots from Morrowind.

How do you know this is out?

1. Crossbows
2. Throwing weapons
3. spears
4. spears
5. spears
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:36 am

2.telekinesis like bioshock (not likely)
3.a great mod tool
4.a variety of creatures one to compare this game to any other ES game (yeh they follow the same pattern of gameplay, but the games are vastly different), and while im at it gravity to leave the earth
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:59 pm

In no order…

Morrowind style armor slots.

Improved marksmen skill, with limb specific damage.

More character customization. Stuff like beards, scars, and color sliders for armor.

The ability to wear robes/capes over armor. Why? Because I like it, that’s why.

The ability to set up your own camp would be cool.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:50 am

I really dont want the Morrowind style (as in the construction set) it was stupid and a little redundant in order to actually have the armor and the body part it toggled, Oblivions and Fallouts was good, but there should be more slots or at least the number of slots fallout had (19), I am really hoping for fallout system, because that allows a variety of armors from just 1 piece with the different texture maps and add ons
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:44 pm

1) levitation
2) teleporation
3) Armour customisation. left and right pauldrons and gloves, clothes under and robes over armour.
4) oodles and tons and loads of new books. about lore, history, fiction, anything.
5) Divayth Fyr and Barenziah. More on them. even if only through books and rumours.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:28 am

1. More variety of enemies with individual attitudes and reactions.
2. Less repetative graphics.
3. Better and more variety of spell effects.(telekinetic attacks,element streams)
4. More variety of weapons (at least throwing weps) and weapon appearances
5. The most satisfying, diverse, and enveloping game ever made.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:40 pm

1. Visible enchantments.
2. Time manipulation
3. One handed and two handed spears and halberds.
4. Javelins, throwing knives, and throwing stars.
5. Mark and Recall and Levitation spells.
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Da Missz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:34 pm

1. Spears
2. Spears
3. Spears
4. Spears
5. Spears

'Nuff said.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:21 am

1 - Air and water animal mechanics.
2 - Seamless transition between world spaces
3 - Larger hard coded world space size limit
4 - No hard coded limit on skills
5 - No hard coded limit on animations
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:26 am

1) Radiant AI, like we were promised in the last game. That means NPCs arent morons who just attack you when you take out your weapon or hit a cow or something. Make them actually have to do things, and not just follow a set pattern...they have to eat food (by stealing or making money and then buying food..etc..)

2) Improved dialogue options and dialogue responses to me like Fallout 3, but better. Let the player actually make choices and influence others. Give NPCs more interesting things to say, and more to say. Take a hint from Bioware.

3) Much improved physics engine. Make most objects moveable and affected by real-world physics. Bethesda was late to jump on this train already, and it makes game objects much more interesting. Make every object interactable except the scenery itself.---throwing rocks and branches will physically knock back opponents like in newer games like Amnesia: the dark descent. Give us physics puzzles! Also, that includes better fluid dynamics like moving water--and objects reacting realistically in water. I am hopeful, considering the info we've heard.

4) Improved combat which is more realistic so both the player and your enemies have less health so its not just right trigger button mashing as much. Oblivion and Fallout were good, but this can be done much better and more realistically. (again, from the info we have, i am hopeful)

5) More dynamic open world with less scripted events. My favorite part in Oblivion was not doing quests or dungeon diving for loot----it was exploring the world. There was a lot to see, lots to do. I want exploring to be something that rewards the player every time--even if you go to the same place in the woods every time. I want to go on a hunt with my bow, all while admiring the lush beauty and detail of every tree, rock and bush. Maybe I'll stumble across a bag of loot hidden beneath a tree, or a pack of dogs who see me, but decide not to attack and instead go after a passing deer and eat it. Have me stumble across random adventurers--some friendly, some hostile. Make random events like Red Dead Redemption! Make the world alive, and a thing with a new adventure to find every time!
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:10 am

List the top 5 things you want in Skyrim in order from most wanted.

Mine are:

1. Return of a Morrowind-like armor system (peace-meel?) where pauldrens, gloves, can be equipted one at a time or two different.
Would be great if it was improved over morrowind so you could equipt one of each boot as well. Also the ability to wear cloths under armor and robes/skirts over top of armor.
Also wouldn't it be great to choose where you holster your weapons ? Wear a short sword/dagger on your ankle or sideways across the small of your back.

I would like this to, it was my number 1 thing in Oblivion I missed from MW(scaling was bad but mods fixed it). Though I am expecting Oblivion amount of slot(10) not 16 like MW. I hope they don't go Fallout on us with 3 slots. Mods won't overcome such a thing, it took like two years for Oblivion to get a good robe over armor mod(no clipping) with clothes under armor.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:02 pm

How do you know this is out?

1. Crossbows
2. Throwing weapons
3. spears
4. spears
5. spears

1. Werewolves
2. Werebears
3. Spears
4. Throwing weapons
5. Crossbows
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:07 am

1.Cross bows
3.dark brother hood
4.Better graphics than the previous game (is that possible,They claim better graphics and you bet i'm ready to see better it's just hard to grasp better graphics)
5.Better guards...please for the love of pete make it possible to get away with stealing something.
6.An earlier release doubt it, but hey it's what i wish for!
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:39 pm

  • Skyrim is the best of TES series yet, bar none. :)
  • Gigantic game world full of life, little detail, back stories, events and quests, which is categorized into different zones of different difficulty levels, without any level scaling, and scaled to difficulty levels from level 0 to 70 if compared to player levels, with gradual changes of that difficulty level in different areas.
  • Radiant story is better than I can hope for, and quests are all perfectly chosen for their own difficulty level, and the current settings, opportunities, and player characteristics, with the right amount of randomness thrown in for variation.
  • Radiant AI is better than I can hope for, and you can not put your finger on any event, reaction and behavior and say, now that is out of place.
  • Fighters, Mages and Rogues are equally balanced. Have equal opportunities to complete quests in their own distinct ways, and Have equal in-game resources and and dedicated facilities and game mechanism.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:03 pm

1. Better, and more balanced RPG mechanics.
2. Some challenge (with a more resourceful use of the difficultysettings, levelscaling and skills)
3. Better overall writing.
4. Different damage types and DT/DR scores for each appropriately added for armors.
5. More varying selection of weapons and a more balanced combat.
Bonus: "European color palette" (at least as a toggle)
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Penny Flame
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:55 pm

1. Cavalry (fight from horse)
2. Spears, one had with shield (SPARTA!)
3. Kick to knockback
4. Sallets
5. Stabbing (opponents stabbed from behind react as if they were stabbed)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:26 am

Wow, top 5 wants? There are so many things to choose from.

1. A great story
2. True radiant AI/radiant story
3. Lots of factions with in-depth quest-lines
4. Lots of details
5. Spears
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:41 pm

1. More weapon types (spears, crossbows, throwing weapons)
2. Morrowind's fast travel system
3. No quest arrow, but a detailed journal
4. Improved stealth mechanics (they lose track of me)
5. Radiant AI in its fullest
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:35 pm

1-5 Mulitplayer
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:14 pm

1-5 Mulitplayer

I'd be down for some 2p offline split-screen.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:06 pm

1-5. Depth in a game never seen before.
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