I think it would be great to see Top100 players playing against themselves only!! I mean it′s ridiculous to enter a game halfway and see a guy (i′ll just say he′s Dutch) going 37-1 with 5 minutes still left ... ?!?!?!?!? ... what′s the fun in that?? Where′s the balance in this game? The same way Crysis 2 had a level 10 starting rooms why not create a Top100 ONLY rooms??
When the game is loading you can check the stats from the last 5 matches and i think to myself: "wow that guy is good" and when the game starts there he is, killing everyone and never gets a scracth - it′s like he′s in a God mode or something and i try to believe there is no cheating on Xbox - after all that was one of the reasons i quit PC gaming - but it sure looks so...
well just my 2 cents...