Does anyone even realize this game has C4. Ive never been killed by one yet...but i love C4. Its my baby...i feel it i bathe it and then i throw it atta youra facea and its kill you anna your teammate. Me laugh as you die....even me laugh as i die and take you with me. Total of 75 suicides plus no one seems to mention it....any thoughts?
Ah i just looked at my first post again...bit stupid. I havent been killed by anyone elses C4 but im always blowing myself up (intentionally) with it lol. Common if your in a firefight with 2 people and you know your going to die...go JIHAD on they ass and take me to meet my 17 virgins
Erm it sticks to walls and ceilings im not sure about people though. I have tried but its hard to tell. Really someone needs to just stand there so i can test it.....ANY victims?
i think you can stick it too people. i was playing crash site last night and an enemy ran into the crash site and blew up half my team. he was holding a gun in his hand though. so he had it stuck too him or there was another enemy near i couldnt see that threw it.