They are all busy with other projects, like finishing the game for example.
If all they were doing was working on this Q&A, it could be finished in a day or two, but meetings and work related to finishing Skyrim has a lot higher priority.
Try hours. If i really felt like it, i could get a guy to sort through the questions, pluck out the good ones, maybe the best 50, then hold a meeting to weed out the once they wanted to not discuss and which of those would still go into the Q&A, while working up acceptably vague answers for the rest of them.
out of the 700 or whatever way too many questions that were asked, i'm sure only like, 200 of them were relevant/not answered at E3. Working that down to a discussable number would take a bit of finger work but doable in some time.
I'm also sure they got some PR guys who are specifically working on this. My honest belief is that theyre stalling. For what though...