
Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:35 am

Sesom, you've done an excellent job with the scripting - much cleaner than mine would have turned out. I'm impressed.

There are a few spelling/grammar errors which jump out at me:

OneKaiserReply1x1 (the prompt) - lifetime is one word, and you're missing a "habits" and a full stop.

"Fools" shouldn't have a capital; it's used in many topics. It should just be "fools".

OneKaiserReply1xx2 - I would drop the "Mmmm although, " as it just makes the whole thing sound a little awkward.

OneKristyPropose2 (response text) - post apocalyptic should be hyphenated (post-apocalyptic).

OneKristyReply1 - the prompt should read "It was no big deal. Don't worry about it; I'm just glad that you're safe."

OneKristyReply2 (response text) - there needs to be a comma after "me", and "i" should be capital.

OneKristyWarn1 - Should end in an exclamation mark, not a full stop.

Skykappa, if you absolutely, completely must add me to the credits, could you put me down as a dialogue editor or writer? Since I kinda butchered Kaiser's lines before sending them to Sesom. :D

Again Sesom, you've done a fantastic job, you should be proud.

EDIT: Also, Kristy, the mod contains some pretty heavy swearing. I wouldn't propose somewhere with plenty of kids running around, you could get arrested or something :o

EDIT 2: Skykappa, I do have time to play it through it right now after all :) Kristy, you're quite an incredible voice actor, the crying was fantastic. Well done :)
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:27 am



Baaaaaad boys! Baaaaaad boys!!!

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David Chambers
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 pm

how would that be possible? can you hook up a pc to a movie theater? lol. and reach the keyboard? it sounds like an awesome idea. just really long cords? :) i will look into it! :)
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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:19 pm

how would that be possible? can you hook up a pc to a movie theater? lol. and reach the keyboard? it sounds like an awesome idea. just really long cords? :) i will look into it! :)

They have a digital beamer next to the standard projector. They use it for the advertising and some of the trailers that are shown before a movie. The xbox/PSx/PC is then hooked up to the beamer and cordless keyboards/controllers are used. Although our moviehouse doesn't have the xbxox, but a PSx (I think they hasve a PS3 now) and a PC. They also use the movie venue for business presentations and such. It's a small cinema with only two screens so they had to get creative to keep the seats filled -it also has a restaurant attached that does the diner/movie combo with meals like "Pirates of the Caribbean Kabab" and "Jack Nickelson Cheeseburger"
Fun and corny :D

Don't know where in San Diego you are from but do you know the Strand in Ocean Beach? I just checked and both the Strand and Hodads are still open!!!
Man, Hodads..
We would get fries and burgers to go -is there still "the line"? Eat on the pier and catch a double header movie afterwards.. sigh... :)
Of course if you live in La Mesa or Chula Vista you might have no idea what I'm talking about..
Although Hodads used to be an institution in Ocean Beach :shrug:
Times change :(

But the guys at the Strand used to be laid back and open to suggestions (Sunday matin?e: triple header Hong Kong kung-fu movies with bad dubbing :woot: )... if they've kept up with the time they might have a similar set up as we have over here, being a small theatre it would make sense. Try giving them a call, they're on Newport, located between Cable and Bacon str.
-there's a great diner on Bacon that did an all you can eat ealy bird breakfast for $2.99(!!!) back in the day. Only catch was you had to order before 7:00am. Man, I ate a lot of arly breakfasts back then :nod:
Best stop reminiscing while I still can..
Anyway, the phone number for the Strand Theatre is (619) 223-5210‎

Yes, I know that you are recieving directions for your own home city from someone who lives on a strip of sand in the North Sea. That's the internet for you :bigsmile:

Acky remembers the San Onofe Whale Club beach pavilion and bar
it's a jarhead thing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 pm

Sesom, you've done an excellent job with the scripting - much cleaner than mine would have turned out. I'm impressed.

There are a few spelling/grammar errors which jump out at me:


Thanks Attentater5. All the changes you suggested have been made.

All bugs reported have been sorted so far.

I`m just waiting for some companion testing now. The lack of LOD upon sharing the mod is still an issue, but I`m working on it.

Thats all for now folks.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:05 am

I'm still installing but in the old version the location marker was set in the middle of the building, so fast travelling to the chryslus building after finding it and you were stuck inside the structure -which is a really weird sight.
Dunno if it's been addressed, thought I'ld mention it...
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:09 am

Thanks Attentater5. All the changes you suggested have been made.

All bugs reported have been sorted so far.

I`m just waiting for some companion testing now. The lack of LOD upon sharing the mod is still an issue, but I`m working on it.

Thats all for now folks.


Here's a few more. I believe Attentater has already done most, but still.

Dialogue Errors:

Distress Signal:
"Anyone.. Please.. Help! I've been enslaved. I am in some kind of a dungeon and they have me locked up. Save me! Please! I don't want them to hurt me!"
Fullstops in threes (elipses), no capital P on first "please", no capital H on "help".
"Anyone... please... help! I've been enslaved. I am in some kind of a dungeon and they have me locked up. Save me! Please! I don't want them to hurt me!"

"Somebody... Please ... Help me! They have me locked up. I am in some kind of a dungeon and i don't want them to hurt me. Please help!"
No capital P on the first "please", no space between the first "please" and the following elipsis, no capital H on "help", capital I at beginning of "I don't want them to hurt me".
"Somebody... please... help me! They have me locked up. I am in some kind of a dungeon and I don't want them to hurt me. Please help!"

"[censored].. You killed all my boys man, I ain't got much choice, you're some screwed up [censored]. Gimme the [censored]in` money, man, and I'll give you the key."
Comma instead of elipsis after "[censored]" (he starts speaking again in quick succession), no capital Y on first "you", comma after "boys", semicolon instead of comma between "choice" and "you're", apostrophe ( ' ) instead of grave accent ( ` ).
"[censored]... you killed all my boys, man, I ain't got much choice; you're some screwed up [censored]. Gimme the [censored]in' money, man, and I'll give you the key."

"I can't believe you killed all my boys. Just what the hell do you want?"
He cuts off his speech.
"I can't believe you killed all my boys- just what the hell do you want?"

"Man, you outta your [censored] mind. I'm outta here, take yo woman."
Optional; change to how it sounds.
"Man, your outta your [censored] mind. I'm outta here, take ya woman."

"Bring it [censored], I ain't going down like the rest of them Fools."
Comma after "bring it", no capital F on "fools", semicolon after "[censored]".
"Bring it, [censored]; I ain't go down like the rest of them fools."

"Bye... [censored]!"
Comma instead of elipsis.
"Bye, [censored]!

"Well, I've been dying to take a piss ever since I stormed this hole... You got a bucket or something?"
No capital Y on "you", recommend adding "into" between "stormed" and "this".
"Well, I've been dying to take a piss ever since I stormed into this hole... you got a bucket or something?"

"I can give you a few caps... just let the lady out of her cell first. Then you can go back to you life time of not washing and bad dental"
Could be phrased better.
"I can give you a few caps... just let the lady out of her cell first. Then you can go back to your life of filth and bad breath."

"Pleasure doing business with you. Now go buy soap."
How much soap? :P
"Pleasure doing business with you. Now go buy some soap."

"Mmm although, If I buy this woman from you, then technically, I'm supporting slavery... I think I'll just kill you now, and keep my caps."
Could be phrased better.
"Hmm... though, if I buy this woman from you, then technically, I'm endorsing slavery... I think I'll just kill you now, and keep my caps."

"I want your clothes, your boots and your motorbike. Ha ha, just kidding. Gimme the key to the lady's cell and I'll let you live."
"Ha ha" to "haha"
"I want your clothes, your boots and your motorbike. Haha, just kidding. Gimme the key to the lady's cell and I'll let you live."

"Um...no Thanks."
Space before "no", no capital T on "thanks".
"Um... no thanks."

"Ohhh Yeahhh!"
No capital Y on "yeahhh".
"Ohhh yeahhh!"

"It was no big deal, Don t worry about it, just glad your safe."
No capital D on "don't", apostrophe between N and T on "don't", add "I'm" before "just", fullstop instead of comma after second "it". "You're" instead of "your".
"It was no big deal, don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're safe.

"Will you, Shawn, take me, Kristy, to be your post apocalyptic love slave until death do us part?"
"Post apocalyptic" should be "post-apocalyptic".
"Will you, Shawn, take me, Kristy, to be your post-apocalyptic love slave until death do us part?"

"I have found ... a wonderful guy ... and now he is mine to keep!"
No spaces before elipses.
"I have found... a wonderful guy... and now he is mine to keep!"

"Oh no, I insist...you just saved me."
Space after elipsis.
"Oh no, I insist... you just saved me."

"Because you rescued me i shall repay you."
Comma after "me", capital I on "I shall repay you".
"Because you rescued me, I shall repay you."

"Mmm... My knight in shining armor, I knew you would come to my aid!"
No capital M on first "my".
"Mmm... my knight in shining armor, I knew you would come to my aid!"

"Shawn... Over here."
No capital O on "over".
"Shawn... over here."

Now to actually find some gameplay bugs. :P
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:53 pm

"Man, you outta your [censored] mind. I'm outta here, take yo woman."
Optional; change to how it sounds.
"Man, your outta your [censored] mind. I'm outta here, take ya woman."

your denotes possession. This is a contraction of you are => you're. Slang is yer, not really ya
"Man, you're outta your [bad word] mind. I'm outta here, take yer woman."

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renee Duhamel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:51 am

I'm still installing but in the old version the location marker was set in the middle of the building, so fast travelling to the chryslus building after finding it and you were stuck inside the structure -which is a really weird sight.
Dunno if it's been addressed, thought I'ld mention it...

The wierd thing about that is that the Marker isnt inside the building. It`s just outside.
I`ll see what can be done. Any suggestions anyone?

Thanks for the grammer corrections FoxtrotZulu. I`ll get back to work on them.

It`ll have to remain as `Yo` Woman. Its already been recorded as that.

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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 pm

Thanks Attentater5. All the changes you suggested have been made.

All bugs reported have been sorted so far.

I`m just waiting for some companion testing now. The lack of LOD upon sharing the mod is still an issue, but I`m working on it.

Thats all for now folks.


I didnt get the betatester version (no problem for me) but if it is the same navmesh as in my version, then absolutly !no! companions are possible! It?s all ok inside and at the mainpath, but the outside (stairs!) of the building, was not fully navmeshed (i tried to navmesh it, but my machine is to weak for this big skyscraqer).

A possible solution could be sealing off this areas to make it more companion friendly . I wasnt sure while scripting if this was the intention so i choose a little dirty trick to get rid off the main foe and the damsell in distress at the end of the quest so the npcs are not affected.

@Old_Andy: Yes my spelling and grammar problem, i know :wacko: . I tried to copy and past as much as possible from the original script but i am realy good in mixing german and english grammar. Sorry about it.

@Attentater5 & Skypappa: Thank you very much for the positiv feedback. I really appreciate it. :bowdown:
I was nearly at the point at giving up modding, because of the few feedback for my biggest mod (Friendly New Neighbours Part One). Over 700 Downloads and only three or four posts about how the people liked it on nexus and nearly absolut no feedback about the storyline. It was frustrating to see this conclusion for four months hard work. I learned my lesson here and take now a complete other aproach in modding. I have a new quest in progress which will be ready soon. Thanks again!
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Floor Punch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 pm

Actually I left the exterior stairs and catwalks un-navmeshed so that badguys from inside won't follow outside. This gives a rest area to duck for when pursued.. I sure needed it :embarrass:
Admittingly, I didn't think of peoples companions..

I've only been on a couple dates since I broke up with my girlfriend..

Slipped my mind I s'pose..
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:01 am

I've only been on a couple dates since I broke up with my girlfriend..

Sorry man... I never knew. Your one unlucky guy! First the girl, now the leg. Hope your luck turns around soon.

I`m in the process of navmeshing the catwalks now.

@ Sesom.. No need to thanks me for the praise. It sus that should be thanking you for your excellent work!


edit: I agree fully with FoxtrotZulu's statement below.
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 pm

Sesom's voice work was amazing. :D
Oh, yeah. I'd recommend moving Kristy a bit further back in the cage.
At the moment, the player can talk to her through the cage, before killing Kaiser.
This makes her use the default greetings and goodbyes, using a vanilla voice too.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:00 pm

I navent even got the mod yet and already the dialogue sounds freaking AWESOME!!!

Kudos to every one of the team, they deserve and doubly deserve it!!!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:07 am

I navent even got the mod yet and already the dialogue sounds freaking AWESOME!!!

Kudos to every one of the team, they deserve and doubly deserve it!!!

Kudos to you, my friend. Your note was amazing. :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:43 am

there is so much that i don't know about this mod, that it is a huge surprise for me, also. :D eeee ! I am so excited!!!!!!! Amazing amazing teamwork, all the way around.

Andy, I actually live in Orange County :( lol. But I was just in San Diego for comic con! :D I will even check out the place that you found for me, because his best man lives down there, and I am considering it! I want his closest buds to be around and his SD one is the closest...so we will see! Thanks again! And thank you for explaining it to me, also...lol. It makes more sense now ;-) .

thank you for calling me a good voice actor! i was actually crying haha. (at the moment, i thought...i am SO in the mood to record this clip because i am "emotionally charged" for it lol).

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:22 am

Es macht nicht aus, mijne deutche sprache ist wirklich schlecht. :embarrass: You're english is still miles ahead of my German :)

At least there were a few dates.. and this being a tourist island in the summer, the chances of dating a local drop due to the human influx, so although the dates were alot of fun :) -I'm not a complete basketcase.., yet.
I'll have to travel halfway across Holland -and in one case Belgium, if I want to see them again...
I must say I am slowing down in my old age :bigsmile:

Aren't you part of this team too? :nod:

@Puffy Puppy
I lived in SD before joining the Marine Corps, and then I was stationed initially on Pendelton -which is why I know San Clemente/San Onofre/Oceanside/Carlsbad somewhat.. well.

yeah guys, we put down a solid piece of work. I'm proud to be part of this group of misfits, and glad to call you all friends :hugs:

Acky just thinks this is da most pretty bunch of hummies he's seen and it's gonna make me Acky sweat through me eyes again :touched:
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 pm

there is so much that i don't know about this mod, that it is a huge surprise for me, also. :D eeee ! I am so excited!!!!!!! Amazing amazing teamwork, all the way around.

Andy, I actually live in Orange County :( lol. But I was just in San Diego for comic con! :D I will even check out the place that you found for me, because his best man lives down there, and I am considering it! I want his closest buds to be around and his SD one is the closest...so we will see! Thanks again! And thank you for explaining it to me, also...lol. It makes more sense now ;-) .

thank you for calling me a good voice actor! i was actually crying haha. (at the moment, i thought...i am SO in the mood to record this clip because i am "emotionally charged" for it lol).


Fallout themed Orange County Chopper for a wedding gift you say? Why that's a brilliant idea!
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:46 pm

Fallout themed Orange County Chopper for a wedding gift you say? Why that's a brilliant idea!

Do you guys get it subtitled, or dubbed like some of my eastern neighbors do? I saw a dubbed version of OCC on German TV and peed laughing (Mikey was hilarious in German) Reminded me of the Rudolfs, which I also like.
The bike would be awesome..

Acky thinks that Paulie Sr reminds him of mom :hugs:
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:58 am

I watch it on Discovery HD andy, so there's Norwegian subtitles. Thanks the heavens it's not dubbed, I can't stand the way some people *coughgermanycough* dubs everything! I once saw the Simpsons dubbed to German...that just ain't right :P

Dubbing is a crime. But yeah the bike would be awesome...which makes me think, Bethesda should totally commision a Fallout bike, they'd throw on all sorts of scrap metal and cool stuff I just know it would be awesome :P

If GStaff reads this post...pass it along sir :)
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:49 am

test report:
I managed to break something :D

At the end, after taking out all the badguys except Kaiser, haven't talked to the caged girl yet and Kaiser talks directly to me -with one of those zoom functions..
He says: something and I have a number of options, including a (Speech=100%) option. Not being an idiot, I take that option, it succeeds and Kaiser says something like "You can have her" and bugs out.
This is where the scripting breaks because I can talk to the caged girl, unlock the cage as well, she runs out, runs around for awhile, and return. But there is no other other Dialogue with her other than:
"I have to be going now."
No thank you,
No presents other than the loot,
No getting the girl,
No smooching..,


Did I mention I didn't get the girl at the end :(
I think she's still in her cage or walking around in the main hall -I left the cage open :shrug:

LOD doesn't kick in until I'm abriast of the ruined Church as coming from Jury Street Metro.. I have pic's but I'm on the laptop atm.. I'll edit later..
Didn't see the present box anywhere

Other issues, but not really....
going up the side stairs outside and taking out the goons standing at the front is too easy for someone with a few grenades..
seaking of which, one of the traps blew me over the railing :goodjob:
graves are a nice touch, good thing I've been playing PL or I might have overlooked- ah.. looking closely.

That's it for the first run through. I didn't pay attention to the spelling or such yet...
1. -Scripting stops after success at speech challenge, kaiser runs off but we don't get the girl..
2. -LOD doesn't cut in until quite close by where as it should be a landmark like tenpenny tower
3. -Couldn't find the Present box anywhere

With my ex staying over it's been a bit like the movie Misery....
oops, gotta go :bolt:

LOD issues persist

http://s633.photobucket.com/albums/uu56/old_andy/?action=view¤t=NoLod.jpg see the church in the distance? THat roughly halfway between me and where the building should be. (you can see Tenpennny tower clearly in the far distance on the left of the picture)

http://s633.photobucket.com/albums/uu56/old_andy/?action=view¤t=NoLod2.jpg Here I'm standing next to the ruined church from the previoius picture. Still nothing.


the Scripting I mentioned earlier being broke turns out does work, but I had to leave the building and then re-enter again before getting the dialogue from her and the rest (real nice, btw :goodjob: )
So that takes care of issues one and three, although having to leave and re-enter to finish the quest

two issues with weapons... no perceivable grenades for the grenade launcher and there's a problem with the Auto Laser, it isn't. The shooting anim is auto, but then it only actually shoots in semi-auto, which looks funny, like the thing is sputtering and occasionally fires a shot :)

I'll run it again tomorrow.
I'm starting to develop a CQB tactics for running the building without getting whacked all the time. :D

Acky doesn't think those slaver are so tough.. their 'eads pop jus' like those of the ghoulies :shrug: Bossman had to in with a bunch of guns an' stuff to get them. He's a bit slow cuz of th' meds
And his bum leg don't help either hur hur hur

Shut up, Acky
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:11 pm

Same here, Andy. Even when you kill Kaiser, opening the cage causes Kristy to go mental and flee. She eventually comes back to her cage, and the dialogue worked for me from there.
Also, Andy, I believe if you check the "Minimal Use" button on a door, NPCs will rarely use it.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:19 am

Thanks for stopping me navmeshing this da...d unmaped Pitt areas for my next mod. I hate navmeshing!

Same here, Andy. Even when you kill Kaiser, opening the cage causes Kristy to go mental and flee. She eventually comes back to her cage, and the dialogue worked for me from there.
Also, Andy, I believe if you check the "Minimal Use" button on a door, NPCs will rarely use it.

This bug is solved it was a faction error on Kristy. She is in the slave faction so she gets angry, if Kaiser (slaver) is hurt (Bethseda logic not mine) she should be in the Raiderfriend and Player Faction!

He says: something and I have a number of options, including a (Speech=100%) option. Not being an idiot, I take that option, it succeeds and Kaiser says something like "You can have her" and bugs out.
This is where the scripting breaks because I can talk to the caged girl, unlock the cage as well, she runs out, runs around for awhile, and return. But there is no other other Dialogue with her other than:
"I have to be going now."
No thank you,
No presents other than the loot,
No getting the girl,
No smooching..,

Did you get inside the cell to Kristy (This is unavoidable. You have to go there! Did i say cutscene ;) ? )? Have you got the latest version from Skykappa? There was a faction bug which could be the reason for Kristys behaviour. (See above answer to FoxtrotZulu).
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 pm

Thanks for stopping me navmeshing this da...d unmaped Pitt areas for my next mod. I hate navmeshing!

This bug is solved it was a faction error on Kristy. She is in the slave faction so she gets angry, if Kaiser (slaver) is hurt (Bethseda logic not mine) she should be in the Raiderfriend and Player Faction!

Did you get inside the cell to Kristy (This is unavoidable. You have to go there! Did i say cutscene ;) ? )? Have you got the latest version from Skykappa? There was a faction bug which could be the reason for Kristys behaviour. (See above answer to FoxtrotZulu).

These thing come with version number?

Since when??

[checks for memo]
Yes, went all the way in the cage, and at first she bugs out, then comes back and I have to leave and re-enter before she acknowledges me as her savior

I'll PM SkyKappa and see 'bout a newer version.

Are the LOD issues solved/gone away? If so, please divulge how :angel:

btw, I don't hate navmeshing, I just need more practice :D
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:29 pm

These thing come with version number?
Since when??

There should be like any other programming project. Maybe a version control system, a bugtracker, hmm... should i make a ScourceForge Project for this mod. :hubbahubba: Just kidding!

Yes, went all the way in the cage, and at first she bugs out, then comes back and I have to leave and re-enter before she acknowledges me as her savior

If she is in the right factions from the begining, there is no more running around in panic.

Are the LOD issues solved/gone away? If so, please divulge how :angel:

Not that i know of. Skykappa is working on it. For my "Back to the Pitt" project i have todo the same in the near future. I never messed with the worldspace before but maybe i find a solution.
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