Dialogue Errors:
Distress Signal:
"Anyone.. Please.. Help! I've been enslaved. I am in some kind of a dungeon and they have me locked up. Save me! Please! I don't want them to hurt me!"
Fullstops in threes (elipses), no capital P on first "please", no capital H on "help".
"Anyone... please... help! I've been enslaved. I am in some kind of a dungeon and they have me locked up. Save me! Please! I don't want them to hurt me!"
"Somebody... Please ... Help me! They have me locked up. I am in some kind of a dungeon and i don't want them to hurt me. Please help!"
No capital P on the first "please", no space between the first "please" and the following elipsis, no capital H on "help", capital I at beginning of "I don't want them to hurt me".
"Somebody... please... help me! They have me locked up. I am in some kind of a dungeon and I don't want them to hurt me. Please help!"
"[censored].. You killed all my boys man, I ain't got much choice, you're some screwed up [censored]. Gimme the [censored]in` money, man, and I'll give you the key."
Comma instead of elipsis after "[censored]" (he starts speaking again in quick succession), no capital Y on first "you", comma after "boys", semicolon instead of comma between "choice" and "you're", apostrophe ( ' ) instead of grave accent ( ` ).
"[censored]... you killed all my boys, man, I ain't got much choice; you're some screwed up [censored]. Gimme the [censored]in' money, man, and I'll give you the key."
"I can't believe you killed all my boys. Just what the hell do you want?"
He cuts off his speech.
"I can't believe you killed all my boys- just what the hell do you want?"
"Man, you outta your [censored] mind. I'm outta here, take yo woman."
Optional; change to how it sounds.
"Man, your outta your [censored] mind. I'm outta here, take ya woman."
"Bring it [censored], I ain't going down like the rest of them Fools."
Comma after "bring it", no capital F on "fools", semicolon after "[censored]".
"Bring it, [censored]; I ain't go down like the rest of them fools."
"Bye... [censored]!"
Comma instead of elipsis.
"Bye, [censored]!
"Well, I've been dying to take a piss ever since I stormed this hole... You got a bucket or something?"
No capital Y on "you", recommend adding "into" between "stormed" and "this".
"Well, I've been dying to take a piss ever since I stormed into this hole... you got a bucket or something?"
"I can give you a few caps... just let the lady out of her cell first. Then you can go back to you life time of not washing and bad dental"
Could be phrased better.
"I can give you a few caps... just let the lady out of her cell first. Then you can go back to your life of filth and bad breath."
"Pleasure doing business with you. Now go buy soap."
How much soap?

"Pleasure doing business with you. Now go buy some soap."
"Mmm although, If I buy this woman from you, then technically, I'm supporting slavery... I think I'll just kill you now, and keep my caps."
Could be phrased better.
"Hmm... though, if I buy this woman from you, then technically, I'm endorsing slavery... I think I'll just kill you now, and keep my caps."
"I want your clothes, your boots and your motorbike. Ha ha, just kidding. Gimme the key to the lady's cell and I'll let you live."
"Ha ha" to "haha"
"I want your clothes, your boots and your motorbike. Haha, just kidding. Gimme the key to the lady's cell and I'll let you live."
"Um...no Thanks."
Space before "no", no capital T on "thanks".
"Um... no thanks."
"Ohhh Yeahhh!"
No capital Y on "yeahhh".
"Ohhh yeahhh!"
"It was no big deal, Don t worry about it, just glad your safe."
No capital D on "don't", apostrophe between N and T on "don't", add "I'm" before "just", fullstop instead of comma after second "it". "You're" instead of "your".
"It was no big deal, don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're safe.
"Will you, Shawn, take me, Kristy, to be your post apocalyptic love slave until death do us part?"
"Post apocalyptic" should be "post-apocalyptic".
"Will you, Shawn, take me, Kristy, to be your post-apocalyptic love slave until death do us part?"
"I have found ... a wonderful guy ... and now he is mine to keep!"
No spaces before elipses.
"I have found... a wonderful guy... and now he is mine to keep!"
"Oh no, I insist...you just saved me."
Space after elipsis.
"Oh no, I insist... you just saved me."
"Because you rescued me i shall repay you."
Comma after "me", capital I on "I shall repay you".
"Because you rescued me, I shall repay you."
"Mmm... My knight in shining armor, I knew you would come to my aid!"
No capital M on first "my".
"Mmm... my knight in shining armor, I knew you would come to my aid!"
"Shawn... Over here."
No capital O on "over".
"Shawn... over here."