Your waterfall looks wonderful, Mireneye.
I'm checking Crysis and Bioshock for water effects, and I must say it is just illusion(but very smart). It would be possible to make waterfalls like in Crysis for Morrowind with careful texturing and billboarded particle system. I heard Morrowind's particle system is good, since it is powered with 3dsmax. Do you think it is that good?
I'm not sure what Crysis is doing, but what I'm doing with that mesh is that the water is pretty transparent and contains only little color information and mostly some watery detail, then the ground was textured to look like wet rock. (baked speculars-ish).
I have not dived into the world of particles yet however I'm working with the official exporter so I should be able to make some test exports. I doubt it is as powerful as 3ds max at full potential because that is some seriously [censored] up [censored]
I was doing a two hour tutorial on how to make rain that collects into puddles/bounce/shatter into separate lines that drip etc on mesh surfaces etc some way back, I doubt that is doable in max 5 tho.
I'll see what can be done, my aim is also to do some of the stuff I was gonna do for Hexagonica, breakable glass (that breaks in 6 different ways (one for each idle) and also some nice base texture to apply above another texture to make animated water, pouring down on a surface ala Bioshock.
We'll see, I'm only gonna do stuff as long as I find it entertaining. I'm doing this because it' I find it fun atm =) I hope I'll keep it that way but my muse comes and goes from time to time.
And thanks =)