Try clearing your cache.
You may also want to try to refresh your current save's memory. Do this by going to any interior location(preferably a safe place, like your house) and use the wait feature to wait 30 days.
Warning: I've no idea if this is the same as it goes with the X-Box. If you've experience with this, and know it only deletes patches, proceed.
If you're not sure, I'd advise to use Google.
This does not seem like a save thing to do on a PS3 system. I advice cautiousness when doing this.
I do not own a PS3 and I thought it does the same as the X-Box 360 does. I'll add a warning. According to *shudders* EA, it only deletes patches.
there's also a certain button combination that deletes the game cache(which I believe stores data as you progress, becoming clutter after a while)
But I forgot the PS3 combination. I might be able to view my history and find it.
Sorry, I cannot find anything related to the button combination on PS3.
EDIT: Apparently, the PS3 clears it every time it's shut down.
Another edit: Oops, I was supposed to edit my post, but copy and pasted something in the "reply topic" box, and posted a new post
Hey, this is one of your few posts i've seen that isnt in your dragon priest form
Yes it is scary,
Hevnoraak is scary when he does not go Dragon Priest.