I just finished making my completely random character using the random integer function on my calculator
The result was
3 is the race: Nord
1 is the gender: Male
5 is the birthsign: Atronach
1 is the specialization: combat
8&1 (thats kind of weird... is this a message from the divines) are the attributes: Luck and Strength
12, 18, 21, 6, 3, 2, and 1 are the skills: Blade, Heavy Armor, Alchemy, Alteration, Restoration, Acrobatics, and Speechcraft
So my final randomized character is...
Vlok, the Nord Vigilante, born under the Atronach he wields extreme power that comes with consequences. He is skilled in combat, and has succeeded in his endeavors through a combination of strength and luck. He wields a blade and dons a suit of heavy armor to combat crime. He has been known to concoct mighty poisons to aid him against evil, as well as potions to help rescued victims. Through his acts he has also become skilled in restoration as an additional means of helping the oppressed and turning his enemies' energy against them. Yet, as a vigilante, his work is often unappreciated and denounced as crime by the guards that he outshines. Therefore, he uses his acrobatic prowess and skill in alteration to escape unjust persecution by paths none can follow. But one can not always escape undetected, especially when they are not sneaky. On many occasions Vlok has been spotted by a commoner who has been deceived into thinking he is a minion of evil. Vlok has become very skilled in talking people out of this misguided belief.
What does everyone think?