So,another conspiracy theory.

Even if I read and keep an eye at some theories I don't think anything supernatural or something else like that will happen at 11-11-11.
You know what ? Don't forget the hoax with the Mayan calendar and the destruction of our world.
There where hoaxes like that in the past too. Almost in every decade of last century some people would go crazy and start saying that the end will come.
And every time the date was closing,popular medias like movies and books where created to make use of popular hoaxes as a way of marketing their products.
And choosing cheesy dates was always a habit.
A Swarchgeneger (
I think I spelled that wrong) movie "The End of Days" came out at 1999 and made use of the year it came out by painting "999" from "1999" red and turning the number 1999 upside down to make 999 look like 666 which is the mark of the antichrist,to take advantage of the hoax that some people from a christian cult created saying that at 1999 the antichrist will come on Earth and that at 2000 we will all die.
It's just a marketing trick,nothing more.