Let's calm this down a bit, huh?
Hyperbole and the like don't make for convincing discussion.
Some people would like to have seen female characters in the game. I think there's a number of rather obvious reasons why that may have been difficult to implement, or why it might have been something of an oversight during the design phase. (The fact is that only Splash Damage know the real reasons - and regardless of how much credence any one gives their statements on this matter, the reality is that anything else is just pure speculation as well.) I also can see why this option would be in high demand. (Especially given the emphasis this game has put on character customization.)
Adding any element into a game is always a matter of balancing resources. It's simply a matter of taste whether or not you'd prefer to have more other content, or another gender to be able to play as.
Tastes will vary. Obviously, if you don't intend to ever need to play as a female character - you're probably not going to care (or even would want SD to be concentrating on other content instead.) That said - there's some compelling arguments for including females in the game (whether or not this would be possible or "worthwhile" isn't necessarily the most important thing, here. I don't think most of us are industry experts in the first place - it's our job as consumers to say what we want, and the Devs' job to figure out how to best accomplish that.)
Learn to respect others' opinions, everyone. It's really not so terribly hard...