I don't have time to clean this up right now - but if you don't want to meaningfully contribute to a discussion, simply don't post in it.
It's also us Moderators job to police these forums. Please don't dictate terms to other members. (I find that sort of behavior much more annoying than making any sort of thread.)
Yes, there has already been a lot of discussion on this subject here. But members may still discuss it, so long as it's done civilly. The last one of these had died out some time ago - so there's no problem with having a new thread and fresh discussion here. When we look for duplicate topics, as Mods here, we generally consider three or so pages back as "due diligence."
Lastly, if you can't advise members in a welcoming and civil manner, there's a good chance you'll soon be looking at hearing from us before long.
"Yes we get alot of questions about not putting females in BRINK and its because we didnt want to cut down on everything just so e could have woman archtypes. Because when we do something, such as BRINK, we dont want to do it half assed... can i say half assed? yes? ok we didnt want to put in half assed characters into a game with no replay value so we decided to take female characters out. They were originally in teh game but taken out to further enhance the general game" ~ Richard Ham
Use teh search bar your post how its easier to start new thread makes me want to

bliviongate: to your soul
Did you not see the moderator direction? Don't do that.
Folks, you need to read the pinned threads. Especially the ones labeled "Important Forum Information" where it says the following in addition to our regular rules due to the rudeness in this section:
A heads up from forum admins and moderators: The purpose of the Brink forum is to talk/speculate/get excited about the game. At the same time, the forum needs to be a place where members feel welcome. This means that you need to be polite to other members and not making rude, pointless, and off-topic comments about using search functions or showing how bored you are with a topic that pops up frequently.
Focus on talking about Brink, be helpful, and redirect folks with a link to a current ongoing topic if you feel their thread is a duplicate. Or let the moderators know so they can handle it. If you cannot manage to contain your annoyance, then don't post - we can and will issue warns for rude behavior - it doesn't read much different from outright flaming someone on this forum.
I suggest you get on topic and stay on topic. If you think there is another thread on this, find it, link it and report it to a moderator who will then either close it and refer them or make a decision to leave it open because the other one is too far back. Got it???? And never ignore moderator direction in a thread, there is no quicker way to get an official warning and a short suspension.
As to the topic, yes, I would love to have female avatars in all shooters and all games. Seems more like a normal world and allows us women to be able to play games in the way we want to play them. One of the few ways we can take out our aggressions is in a game. GRRRRRRRRRRR