These are Scandinavian letters. And before this becomes a battle of semantics, I just want to say - yes I know Nords are not Vikings - and yes I know Scandinavian letters are not part of the Elder Scrolls universe. But I also know these are just three small letters and omitting them from a heavily viking-esque (you can't deny it) game is like shutting a role playing door.
Why does this matter to me?
The player name. Many epic Norse names include these letters, like Fr?ydis, ?gir, Mj?lner, etc. (No, simplifying them to the English alphabet won't do as it changes the pro- and enunciation of the name completely, and well, you just don't do that to people's names - and especially not gods!
This is not a request or a petition, just a reminder. These things are easy to forget in an ocean of deadlines

And in case anyone was wondering, here's how to pronounce the letters:
? = the "a" sound in "bad", or "glass" - but usually kept a fraction longer, as if you're mimicking sheep "baaa".
? = uh.
? = Awe.
First lesson in class: "?" is for "?some".