» Sat May 28, 2011 2:40 pm
That depends on how they're implemented, really. Nighteye is convenient, because it doesn't effect the overall lighting around you, just how well you can see in the dark, so it doesn't make you easier to detect. But the way it made everything blue in Oblivion didn't really look so nice, so I rarely used it, I used nighteye much more often in Morrowind, but even so, I still like the feeling of exploring a dark dungeon with only a torch or other light source to light my way, so I expect I'll go with light or torches, if I need any sort of lightsource as well. In Oblivion, I often went with torches even when I could cast light spells as I have more control with a torch, I can put it away whenever I want, so I can put it out if I think I'm in danger of being spotted, with a light spell, it goes away only when the duration of the spell is over.