Bethesda patched the game, and the Nirnroot glow stack problem was fixed. However, there is another glow stack problem that I've been experiencing. I've noticed that whenever I go into a dungeon/cave, the torch lighting on the sconces has been piling up. Typical scenario: I take a torch off of the sconce, the ambient lighting around the sconce disappears (which is normal), but an image of the torch still remains on the sconce; the fire on top of some of these torches is completely opaque. The torch images on the sconces are duplicating just like the Nirnroot glow. Has anyone else noticed this too? Is there a fix for this in an unofficial patch? I've contacted Bethesda, but they're preoccupied with something else. The bloating I'm sure is contributing to save game bloating since my game is freezing and lagging more and more. Someone else mentioned that there was a console command to delete the glow stacks for the Nirnroots; is there a console command to undo the glow stacks caused by the torch sconce replication? Please help.