Torches are pointless in vanilla Skyrim.

Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:48 pm

In Skyrim, torches are fairly common, however there is virtually no use for them, as pretty much every dungeon in the entire game is either naturally lit, or has invincible fireplaces spread around the place. Now don't get me wrong, I love Skyrim a LOT, but back in Oblivion and Morrowind, if you didn't have torches on you when you went into a cave, you were almost always completely screwed as a lot of the dungeons were virtually pitch black. I know you can install mods which makes caves darker, but I'm curious as to why torches are even in the game if it's so easy to see inside caves and dungeons...

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john palmer
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:37 am

I have my brightness very low and I need torches in almost every dungeon.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:47 am

Skyrims Torches are useless because almost every dungeon/cave is already full of light from other light sources.

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Rach B
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:47 am

I agree that the dungeons are waaaay too lit, within the vanilla game. However, some of the DLC dungeons are pitch black. I know what you mean about Oblivion. I feel that having these areas pitch black adds a sense of realism, mystery and downright scarryness to gameplay.

You will get people that think the game is too dark and others suggest that you turn down the brightness on the screen. I keep my brightness at 50% and that's where it should be. I implement mods and ENBs to create a very dark interior and night to the game.

Night time is just daytime with a gray hue to it. It completely nullifies the reasoning to even use nighteye, magelight or torches.

Nonetheless, torches are still a weapon. I guess they do have that going for them. But that really not saying much.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:36 am

On occasion, there are some areas in dungeons that need some light.
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:41 am

I don't remember how vanilla dungeons were, since I've been using lighting mods for quite a while now. But I do remember that I turned brightness halfway down.

Later, I realized my monitor was also too bright and this was affecting not just Skyrim, but the rest of my games too. So, I went to Catalyst CP and after a bit of trial, I settled down for a DFP brightness at -15 and gamma at 90.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:26 am

Of course, ppls opinions vary as does the settings on their tv's. Some of us do turn the brightness settings down on our 360 or ps3, but that would be the only way that we can do it. The still haven't figured out how to do mod's on a console ( and won't for this generation).

Their was a thread, ohhh about a 1yr to 1 & 1/2 yrs ago, were one of the posters mentioned that the majority of ppl had the brightness set way to high on their TV's and probably didn't know. I was one of them, it was set on 62%. I changed the tv settings and it helped alot.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:11 am

I have my brightness all the way down which makes torches a very valuable commodity especially when I want to avoid my heart temporarily jumping out of my chest or my mouse slamming out of my hand from pure fright. I do like to turn up the brightness to default levels at times to enjoy the great dungeon graphics.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:40 am

Well I have a lot of characters that forgo use of the shield. I like the sound a sword makes when parrying and the feel of natural fencing sometimes. Generally these characters cast spells as well, so I use a torch in the off hand hot keyed to slot 1 and use the torch to empty my hands after spell casting in order to do sword parries. Or sometimes I use the torch to bash just for funzies. It also comes in handy occasionally in dungeons as I also have my brightness a little low.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:40 pm

I used to be mainly shieldless as well considering it kind of cowardly but now that I can actually kill somebody with one I use the skill a lot. Yes the sword sound effects are great. Some times I wonder if the neighbors are getting spooked as I unsheathe my blade in a possible combat situation.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:49 pm

Tis what I did. I just messed around with both my Tv settings and the game setting until I found the right brightness for me and the DG DLC did change the brightness of most caves ( and what not ) as well, I did notice a slight difference after DG was installed. Now don't get me wrong, the game isn't dark enough for my taste either, you should be next to blind when deep in a cave without a light source but seeing as I'm an Xbox player I gotta make the best of what I got. Has anyone given a try? Now there's a game that does it right when it comes to the brightness of underground areas. Had Skyrim been along those lines I bet I would think twice before going into a cave without a torch.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:28 am

true and besides Metro Last Light is a Heck of a Good Game.

Since im on Pc there are a bunch of Mods that fix that stuff, but yeah i agree vanilla Skyrim has a little to much brightness.

But i also don′t like caves to be way to Dark there is only 1 mod i really like and is Enhanced Light and Fx it′s the only one i can find the perfect balance between both dark and light and the dark isn′t way too much dark!

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:16 pm

Tis a very good game, just wish it was a little more open, more like Fallout: NV but the game play and story makes up for that :D

I would kill to be able to use some of the darkness mods for Skyrim, would make the caves that much more creepy. Which I really like in a game, I want to think twice about going into a dark place. And if I do build the nerve to go in I should be crapping in my pants the entire time IMO, there where spots in Oblivion that I refused to go in even with a torch all because I couldn't see what was in front of me. Not so much in Skyrim though. :confused:

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:57 am

There are several variables that can come into play. Every system and setup is different. And the ambient light of the room, which it is in, has a lot to do with it as well. I'm in a small room (12x12) with aluminum foil on the windows. It's pitch black with the TV off at noon.

I don't mess with my TV setting, well I did play around with it but it will affect everything else I watch. My TV is my PC monitor as well. The in-game brightness is not dark enough for the caverns and it's too dark for some other interiors and the game in general.

I just played with no alternate light sources for 4 months, until I moved to the PC. It really changed the way the game is played. I thoroughly enjoy being forced to use alternate light sources and run the risk of a torch burning out when I'm only halfway through.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:09 pm

I have my gamma very low (Which brings out richer colors, for those of you who turn it too high) so I actually need a lot of assistance with lighting. (Torches, Magelight)

That said, I do think a lot of the dungeons are overlit, but I can't help but feel that it's a necessity in Skyrim's case. If you needed to carry a torch or spam magelight in every dungeon, Archery and Two-Handed would be virtually useless, except as a vampire when you have the Night-eye power. I have a feeling Lighting is going to be the biggest graphical leap with the next gen stuff. I mean, pushing polycounts and resolutions are starting to approach levels that aren't really as noticeable as the were a generation ago, but Lighting still has a long way to go.

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Kate Norris
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:02 pm

Oh no, my dear boy. It just calls for more strategy. The existing torch sconces and braziers still emit light. They just don't illuminate the entire room.

Besides the Draugr's eyes glow and a bandit will silhouette against a torch in the distance.

Now, in the deep forest at midnight? Well, that's a different story. And a great one at that. If you get caught in the black of night, you are in trouble. but that's the the point.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:42 am

I have to use torches on occasion in Skyrim. In Oblivion from memory it was generally darker in caves/castles etc...

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:25 pm

Except at night, right now their is no way to darken my "room" more. Nothing can be perminant as we have to drive down the road the next day. My "room" is a semi cab, also the reason I don't play as often as I did.

I really noticed how bright it was when I played Oblivion after reading how dark the caves and ruins were suposed to be. ( after reading the thread I mentioned I changed that, now both games play better IMO)

Most of of my characters are forced to carry a torch or use a light spell, that's the way I have it set. Then again I also have the HUD off/very very dim, except in stores.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:19 pm, unless you drastically lower the brightness.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:31 pm

Early game fighting bandits with one-handed sword and a torch is kinda fun... very Aragorn...

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:56 am

Most of which are inhabited by the Falmer :ahhh:

I hate those caves... you can't see the little hole things on the walls some times so those bastards just come from behind and sneak attack you.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:02 am

you guys obviously have never played during daytime in a well lit room :P

Adjust your brightness settings, it will make night feel right and some dungeons require torches, especially Dawnguard dungeons.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:34 pm's so good.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:32 pm

I noticed in oblivion they were more needed, however in skyrim they can still be useful, there are some places that needs more light. and i like how you can bash an enemy with them and burn them.

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leigh stewart
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:41 pm

Dealing a ridiculous amount of damage. The torch is basically good for two things and two things only: Aragorn, roleplay. Again, defence refers to Aragorn.

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