Oke, so, this will be a bit difficult to explain without images, but here's the thing: Certain ligtsourcs (like for exmaple all the torches in embershard mine that are hanging from various walls etc) don't appear to be radiating light when i'm at a distance. However, as I approach them, the light will suddenly pop-op as if it got loaded just at that moment. Once the lightsource is loaded, it will remain to be radiating light, no matter the location of my character or point of view. So the problem is the initial loading of the lightsource.
This problem is EXTREMELY annoying. You might be able to imagine that as i'm travling trought dungeons etc. I am constantly getting distracted by lights becomming visible out of nowhere. It completely ruins immersion and it's just plain annoying.
I've tried already doing a clean install, playing without mods, updating my graphics drivers, etc. Nothing appears to do the trick! I am just beyond desperate at this point.