I look at the forums every day, and I see plenty of posts like, "I hate this game!" or "Never playing again!". And I don't feel that way, but something about this game is disappointing. And I don't understand, I just really wish the game was more deep and interesting. It's very saddening to see a series that I love lose it's touch. Don't get me wrong, I still like the game, it just doesn't have the flare of the others. Feel free to share your thoughts, and please no flaming, it's just my honest opinion.
I think it's the lack of roles to play.
What I mean is, the factions are pathetic. TES used to use the factions to make each playthrough unique. Fighter's Guild would offer you benefits befitting a warrior and a unique story, Mages would give you benefits for a mage and another story, Thieves', Assassin's, other misc factions.... But in Skyrim....they svck. They're like 8 quests long, if that. It ruins your immersion when a guild literally says "Welcome to the guild, would you like to be a member of the high council? Ah thanks for returning this, you're the leader now."
And once the faction is over....what do you do? I'll tell you what you do, you go run sidequests. But...There's nothing special about the sidequests. Using magic doesn't unlock a new option in the sidequests, nor does using stealth. Having high stamina doesn't reward you a different reward from a high health character, nor does it make the quest any different. Hell, many of the side quests actually have 0 diversion or personal choice: you do the same thing no matter the character because you have no choice. The result is, no matter the character, in the end they're all gonna spend 95% of the time doing the exact same stuff and acting the EXACT same way while the 5% that SHOULD help make them feel unique is incredibly small, not to mention lacking in rewards.
So why replay? What is there to do after one character has done it all? Of course you can restrict your character from doing it all...or can you? Some of us have issues restricting ourselves
for the sake of restricting. I'm one of them. I can restrict my character from helping someone out if he's a jerk, yes. I can restrict my character from supporting any elves because he's racist, yes. But the problem is there's just so many quests that are just....basic mercenary work. It's your character looking for work. Nothing more, nothing less. Then there's so many others that your character is basically guided to. Excuse me? You just walked into this house? Oh, that means you're now working for Molag Bal. What's that? You saw a dog? Oh then clearly that means you now have to run an errand for Clavicus Vile. Did you see a Redguard on the street? Now you have to save his family. There's no personal initiative, everything comes to YOU. I feel it's counter-productive to roleplaying when EVERYTHING comes to you, because many people will simply feel obligated to complete every errand that's personally brought to them. And as I said, the quests aren't welcoming to your unique characteristics: it doesn't give a greedy character a unique way to solve the quest, but rather they just won't do it at all. I'd prefer if I could solve it my own way, personally.
And thus, it lacks roles to play.