Tortoiseshell Glasses are not on Philip?

Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:37 pm

i wanted to get the Tortoiseshell Glasses for Cass to go along with her Vera dress but when i went to Vault 19 in the overseer room Philip had Sunglasses instead of Tortoiseshell Glasses. were they replaced in a current patch? would reloading a later save help? if so how far would i have to go? right before entering the vault, before entering the region, or all the way to the beginning of the game? could there be another solution to this glitch? or am i just out of luck?

if it is because of the latest patch would deleting the patch, grabbing the glasses, and then repatching work? i have already completed Dead Money would doing this screw up my guy and all the items i got from it?
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:51 am

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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:08 pm

I'm really not sure. Though I did notice some things got switched around, such as the fact that Michael Angelo now wears a Vault 21 suit, instead of the Robco Jumpsuit.

EDIT: You could always look at if you have little questions like these. I just typed in Philip Lem and found this quote on this page, all within 2 minutes.

Philip seems to be the only source of Tortoiseshell Glasses in the entire game. Though it appears that he does not always possess these glasses and may have ordinary sunglasses instead.

It looks like you may be out of luck. :(
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