Around 9:40 . Reminder that new Vegas only had around 65,000 and fo3 had 40,000 (if any of this information is wrong, please feel free to correct me) I think this says something about how huge this game will be... Around 9:40 . Reminder that new Vegas only had around 65,000 and fo3 had 40,000 (if any of this information is wrong, please feel free to correct me) I think this says something about how huge this game will be...
I'm even more excited for November 10 now!
How much memory do game disks for the PS4 and XB1 hold? Or is that no longer relevant, with console games being installed to a hard drive? That's a ton of audio.
I want this game so bad right NOW.
From that number alone think of the amount of content that might equate too. 3x the quests, locations, people to talk to.
From an with Courtenay Taylor (female pc) and F4s Voice Director, Fallout 4 contains about ~170,000 lines of spoken dialogue. He said this is a ballpark number, so more or less is entirely possible.
Now for some perspective:
Total line count; recorded:
Total word count; written & recorded:
I couldn't find a credible source to see how many lines were in TW3 but people keep saying Geralt, alone, had 70,000 lines by himself. IMO, that seems too high...but if anyone can find a source for that, or for total lines, post it up.
suprisingly alot , next thing gamers going to complain that there is too much dialogue and story and not enough gameplay , wait rgey already doing that n first they complained they had to read too much now they complaining about too much dialogue
I'm not complaining about there being a lot of dialogue in video games.
I welcome a lot of dialogue in video games. As long as the dialogue makes sense and that depending on the choices I make there are consequences and severe consequences for my actions. As long as I can complete quests by doing different branching paths and I also welcome failable quests.
i am not complaining either , it suits the game and if well done , i do not like voiced protagonist in what is suppose to be a open worlf rpg games , but i guess i willplay FO 4 anyway , who knows maybe it isn t as awefull as in the witcher or mass effect
but my point is that there are a growing group of gamers out there that will critizise any game because it has too much dialogue and basicly want to play any game as a first person shooter and not a rpg game
I never felt like the dialogue in The Witcher video games are awful, the dialogue is very well written for The Witcher video games.
Wait, how does Dishonored have more recorded lines than Oblivion? And GTA V has four times as much recorded dialog as Fallout 3? I'm not sure about these metrics.
And the 175k line might not be the most accurate - he gave that number as a generic response to a question about Bostonian accents. Earlier in the interview he gave it as a very rough 100k, which could mean a lot. 175k lines would be nice, but don't any one call him dishonest if it's half that... and even half of that is still a lot compared to other Bethesda games.
Gstaff and Pete Hines did say many times that Fallout 4 is Bethesda Game Studios most ambitious video game that they have ever developed. Todd Howard also said it's the most ambitious video game that they have ever developed.
People need to remember one important thing: FO4 is the first game from BGS that is intended solely for Blu-Ray release.
All prior BGS games were intended for either DVD only or DVD plus Blu-Ra for the PS3.
In addition, Bethesda (for some ungodly reason) has always decided to restrict their game development to a single disc no matter what and despite the fact that (1) multiple disc games have proven to be successful for other companies and (2) BGS games would certainly benefit from not being restricted by disc count due to the sheer volume of content of the games (i.e., BGS has had to edit/remove/reduce content and/or quality every time, pretty much, due to this restriction).
I recall that Todd stated in one interview after Oblivion's release that the voicing of every line of dialogue wound up consuming about half of the space on the single DVD. It was their first time doing this and it was done due to complaints by vocal (minority, IMO) of fans about Morrowind lacking this "feature". Obviously, this required other content to be reduced/edited/restricted in various ways to maintain a single disc release. The same thing has happened with each game since then.
They have far more freedom now with FO4 and only Blu-Ray space limits, so let's see how it works out.
BTW, a voiced protagonist (or not) has no impact on a game being open world RPG or not. There are many examples of both throughout the history of gaming. It's the same as skills not mattering for whether or not a game is an RPG (i.e., RPGs do not need skills and many RPGs do not use them but are still excellent RPGs). Again, this is a first for BGS, so they are going to learn and move forward from it.
I only listed what I could find with a credible source, I could have added more games on there but I didn't want to post anything that wasn't official. Unless the devs. lie, they are what they are, you can easily google these numbers. As for GTA V, I actually expected more lines; think about the radio station talk shows, hosts, etc. along with all the NPC responses to in-game actions to the 3 characters.
For Dishonored, I fixed the OP, I meant to put it in the second list as it has 90,000 recorded words with 40,000 written words. They don't mention how many lines of dialogue, specifically.
*Words aren't the same as lines in case anyone is confused on that.
Why does the amount of lines in video games matter? Especially in Rpg's where, because of dialogue trees, you don't see, hear or read half of those lines in the course of a playthrough. The amount of dialogue doesn't tell you how good or bad a movie, book or game is going to be. It just seems weird to me that this has become a standard of comparison for video games.
My guess is that the 90.000 recorded was various recordings the the same 47.000 written ones. More probably standard responses are recorded for various voice actors. An problem in Oblivion was voice actor switching between sentences so an quest or news related one was with an different voice.
Solution in Skyrim was to just let any minor npc have 1-2 one liners they repeated.
My guess is that Fallout 4 will be around GTA 5 level perhaps higher.
At the time of Oblivion it was required that you should be able to run the game from a DVD on 360 as some versions did not have hard drive.
You could use multiple discs if but it would not work in an open game as Oblivion.
I know this was dropped later, GTA 5 require install. I also doubt that Oblivion was really playable without an hard drive because of all the loading doors.
Was Skyrim one disc only? I think so because the hd texture pack was an official mod.
most disks are dual layer blu ray so 50 ish GB on current gen consoles thou disk is just used for transport and DRM as all games install too the ps4/x1 hard drive and many are larger than 50gb without dlc
call of duty AW was like 55+gb
installed X1 with zero patchs/dlc installed your right audio takes up space
thats being said i bet 40+ GB for fallout 4