Total dissapointment, Brink is an unfinished game.

Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:42 pm

Like many i couldn't wait to finally slide Brink in my 360, i mean everything seemed so perfect about it. Classes, abilities, leveling, loads of guns and nifty customization...This is pretty much what me and 2 friends have been looking for since..well forever basically. Especially since we all love Team/Objective based FPSes and played the hell out of Mirror's Edge this seemed like a great title for us.
Now when we finally got to play it it didn't take long to get completly disappointed, wich rather soon turned into utter frustration... It became very clear that the game was simply not done yet and rushed out the door for a quick cashgrab. The entire game feels and looks very sloppy and lacking any kind of love, while i'm not sure who does the quality control at Bethesda i sure hope they won't be involved in Skyrim or any other future Bethesda title...definetly not going to pre-order any title from either company and wait on reviews first.

This game could've been very big and very populair it had more potential then aything else, but instead they just wrapped it up halfway to save money and hope it'll still sell well by the buzz it created...

Even though we won't ever get one i think an apology is in order here, we simply got scammed into buying a game that wasn't done yet.
dude they pushed back the release date almost a year to polish it so be grateful
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:08 pm

Like many i couldn't wait to finally slide Brink in my 360, i mean everything seemed so perfect about it. Classes, abilities, leveling, loads of guns and nifty customization...This is pretty much what me and 2 friends have been looking for since..well forever basically. Especially since we all love Team/Objective based FPSes and played the hell out of Mirror's Edge this seemed like a great title for us.
Now when we finally got to play it it didn't take long to get completly disappointed, wich rather soon turned into utter frustration... It became very clear that the game was simply not done yet and rushed out the door for a quick cashgrab. The entire game feels and looks very sloppy and lacking any kind of love, while i'm not sure who does the quality control at Bethesda i sure hope they won't be involved in Skyrim or any other future Bethesda title...definetly not going to pre-order any title from either company and wait on reviews first.

This game could've been very big and very populair it had more potential then aything else, but instead they just wrapped it up halfway to save money and hope it'll still sell well by the buzz it created...

Even though we won't ever get one i think an apology is in order here, we simply got scammed into buying a game that wasn't done yet.

Could you kindly finish the game and then turn off the light when you leave, thanks. Ok Imma gonna go play more brink now, tired of hearing about peoples personal problems.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:31 am

Really? The SMART system works fine for me. It's a little clunky but then again I found Mirror's Edge's parkour a little clunky. And have you actually run before? You don't instantly stop, that's just not physically possible.

Are you playing this game on a HDTV? Cause I am, and the graphics look great. I can clearly make out every little detail I pay attention to, like the guy who's camping in the shadow. Sure he's easy to overlook, but that might have something to do with him being in the shadow. Maybe you need glasses.

Considering I've taken guys down with machine pistols, I don't think you know how to aim. Stop trying to use your Call of Duty tactics, they don't work here.

You're not limited to which side you can play because of what team you choose in the beginning. You can play all the Resistance campaign missions even if you choose Security.

There are some things that do need to be patch, I must admit. Does anyone else slide around when they try to use an ability on a dead person (like Hack Comms, and Disguise)?
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:31 am

@m00k, I see the problem. You played it on an Xbox. Lol seewutididthar?
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:57 am

Are you playing Brink?
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:59 am

@m00k, I see the problem. You played it on an Xbox. Lol seewutididthar?

I have it for the PC, and its as if SD didnt test the game on ATI cards. Take a stroll through the PC support forum if you dont believe me.

And here I was thinking SD and their shoddy development and support on the 360 was because they were a PC developer, but theyre not even that from what Ive seen.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:54 am

Agree Op, Xbox 360 was a slap in the face.

I cant believe they would even release that game.

You're just full of brightness aren't you? QQ more, get a life, and learn that everyone has opinions and that yours will most often be different.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:53 pm

It's that bad?
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Jack Moves
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:10 pm

You're just full of brightness aren't you? QQ more, get a life, and learn that everyone has opinions and that yours will most often be different.

Your totally right. :)
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:54 pm

I'm still learning a lot... it's not like other shooters so if that's exactly what you were expecting then you can only blame yourself for being disappointed. I'm terrible at it (especially "Be More Objective" ) but I'm still having fun. I think if I give it more time and start to get better I'll really enjoy it. Aside from the ceaseless lag (which is really annoying), my only complaint is that it does not work on my faster computer. Don't expect to go around murdering the entire team by yourself, this is not CoD, you have to work as a team.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:17 pm

While I still find the game somewhat enjoyable I still believe that at some point SD forgot they had a FPS to make .. Maybe they spent to much time with SMART and not enough with level design , abilities , weapons ( WHY SO MANY SMGS??!!! )..ect.

Then again I really have never cared for their previous games so not sure why I was hyped for Brink.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:16 pm

Frankly, I believe the game was over-hyped. Anyone who is defending the gameplay mechanics and has not played the 360 version should not be. It can be very fun at times; SMART system is awesome when you aren't actually USING the smart button (aka holding down left bumper, in the 360's case), but still needs work; the bot AI is terrible for teammates, yet, when you face a full team of bots they will rock your face off (just play offline and look at the kill feed). The only other problem I had was with 'Be More Objective' and again this is due to the terrible support bots; I found using heavy bodytype, once unlocked, really helps in that challenge. I raged, I QQed, I laughed, I 0.0ed. I say, while it hasn't lived up to my expectations to be the messiah of all FPS to save us from the CoD, it is still a great game.

PS. I will still play this over any CoD, anyday.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:21 am

ok so for all the Haters and whiners i believe you dropped this :violin: And for all the cooler peeps that actaully have played this game honestly :turtle: :mohawk: :goodjob: [censored] it were did that bloody ninja go now

:ninja: Oh really!!!!!
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:48 pm

That challenge...



Showcases the utter ineptitude of the friendly bots and the overpoweredness of the enemy bots, and all that is the worse of Brink and prevents me from enjoying it.

I really hope you realize that they are not supposed to help.

I beat it on my first try :shifty:

I gotta say though it was the most challenging part of an FPS single player I have played in a long time.
For that Splash Damage you get a turtle riding a cake.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:13 am

Oh no not at all fact.

Wanna hear a joke Brink I wasted my time and money but I'm happy I could return at gamestop because so many people said it was horrible.

The best game ever is the halo games!
Halo 1 - Game of the year
Halo 2 - Game of the year
Halo 3 - Mp Game of the Year
Halo reach 3 years to make - Mp game of the year.
Brink 2 - 3 years to make - Worst game of 2011!

Rent it don't buy it.

I would of never thought the xbox 360 of brink could look so bad!
Smart is broken doesn't work half the time.
The only thing i liked was leveling up and Customization

All those games are good for 1 thing and that's to rent them beat the campaign/achievements and send it back to the store. God how i hated little halo kids screaming into my turtle beaches still gives me migraines thinking about it.
Then again this is all just my opinion and not fact so you can enjoy those games all you want and i wont rant on there forums about them. You see how that works? Man to easy...
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:58 am

The graphics are inexcusable in today's gaming market. They aren't terrible, but they do leave a lot to be desired.

From inexcusable to not terrible in two sentences! Congrats! :celebration:
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:55 pm

From inexcusable to not terrible in two sentences! Congrats! :celebration:


And didn't they split the development? i think SD did the pc.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:10 pm

Now when we finally got to play it it didn't take long to get completly disappointed, wich rather soon turned into utter frustration... It became very clear that the game was simply not done yet and rushed out the door for a quick cashgrab. The entire game feels and looks very sloppy and lacking any kind of love

It would be nice and constructive if you actually told us why you feel disappointed in the game. So far you haven't really explained anything.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:36 am

It would be nice and constructive if you actually told us why you feel disappointed in the game. So far you haven't really explained anything.

I'm starting to think a lot of this is trolling and flamebait...I've been on countless forums and all people do is flame, without telling us specifically why?

The others are mad as it's not was kind of like when Gears first dropped and all of the Halo players said it svcked and was too hard.

I am absolutely loving the game...but I'm going to have to CLAN up because having medics that don't heal and fat dudes trying to run with intel is killing my spirit...
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Timara White
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:47 am

I'm starting to think a lot of this is trolling and flamebait...I've been on countless forums and all people do is flame, without telling us specifically why?

The others are mad as it's not was kind of like when Gears first dropped and all of the Halo players said it svcked and was too hard.

I am absolutely loving the game...but I'm going to have to CLAN up because having medics that don't heal and fat dudes trying to run with intel is killing my spirit...

People are mad because the AI is so bad that its like playing alone in the campaign mode. Actually its worse because half the time the AI sabatoges you.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:15 am

People are mad because the AI is so bad that its like playing alone in the campaign mode. Actually its worse because half the time the AI sabatoges you.

I used the reviews as a warning and have avoided bots all together...where possible. So far I have only used them in the challenges. I've read that the devs were saying they could up the bot AI level that they had them NOT help you with objectives as if you were playing solo YOU should get all of the glory. In the challenges it just seemed they were good for tying up the other bots trying to stop you from getting your objectives.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:14 pm

I used the reviews as a warning and have avoided bots all together...where possible. So far I have only used them in the challenges. I've read that the devs were saying they could up the bot AI level that they had them NOT help you with objectives as if you were playing solo YOU should get all of the glory. In the challenges it just seemed they were good for tying up the other bots trying to stop you from getting your objectives.

I've had two experiences so far with AI grabbing the case and then doing something so stupid I was actually amazed that this game was made in 2011 and not 1990.

1. Bot grabbed the case and carried it all the way to the drop off point then turned away even though it was safe, ran down the nearby stairway and got mobbed by a group of enemy AI.

2. Bot grabbed the case and then ran back and forth between two doorways until he was killed by enemy AI.

The friendly AI doesn't even make an attempt to help you do anything. When you've got the case they don't protect you and they don't help protect objectives for crap either.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:33 pm

Allright, my OP could've been better, sorry bout that. I was just to damn annoyed and could've believe i've wasted 60 euros on this.

The entire package is just lackluster and feels the game got chopped off at 3/4th or so. I mean, you unlock all your weapons from just doing 4 different challenges? Clearly they intended to make alot more challenges but never got the time/money for it.
Then you have the AI who is absolutely the worst i have seen in a game for a long while. I was doing some mission and managed to torch open a safe and get the data key, wich was guarded by 3 enemies who where running into eachother in circle ontop of a staircase, fine i ignored them took the key and went to deliver it on wich they woke up and killed me. Then i run from my spawn and theres 4 enemy AI litterally infront of the spawn waiting for me to pop around the corner and blast me. During all this i have seen two teammates, not sure where the other's were but they sure as hell didn't seem to care about any objective. Then there's a challenge called Be More Objective, wich is basically 1 VS the rest since your own team mates do absolutely nothing but get in the way.

Right, but who cares about bad AI when the game is meant to be played online? Agreed! But alas online is extremely laggy and there aren't any other game modes other then the option to play a minor variation on each of the 8 mission maps and thats it. So basically if you have beat the story and the 4 challenges you have seen the entire game...

Honestly i don't like going into the graphics that much, simply cos i don't care about it in a game like this as it's about gameplay, but yes compared to other games the graphics are downright horrendous on my Xbox.

Most of the guns feel and sound the same, if you have tried 1 SMG/MG you tried them all. The heavy guns so far have been terrible and frankly just useless if every way.

Really i absolutely love the thought of Brink and everything around it as much as the biggest fan here but the final game is simply not good at all... :(
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:33 pm

Like many i couldn't wait to finally slide Brink in my 360, i mean everything seemed so perfect about it. Classes, abilities, leveling, loads of guns and nifty customization...This is pretty much what me and 2 friends have been looking for since..well forever basically. Especially since we all love Team/Objective based FPSes and played the hell out of Mirror's Edge this seemed like a great title for us.
Now when we finally got to play it it didn't take long to get completly disappointed, wich rather soon turned into utter frustration... It became very clear that the game was simply not done yet and rushed out the door for a quick cashgrab. The entire game feels and looks very sloppy and lacking any kind of love, while i'm not sure who does the quality control at Bethesda i sure hope they won't be involved in Skyrim or any other future Bethesda title...definetly not going to pre-order any title from either company and wait on reviews first.

[Pasting a later post in there, didn't realize until now that i made such a trollish OP]

The entire package is just lackluster and feels the game got chopped off at 3/4th or so. I mean, you unlock all your weapons from just doing 4 different challenges? Clearly they intended to make alot more challenges but never got the time/money for it.
Then you have the AI who is absolutely the worst i have seen in a game for a long while. I was doing some mission and managed to torch open a safe and get the data key, wich was guarded by 3 enemies who where running into eachother in circle ontop of a staircase, fine i ignored them took the key and went to deliver it on wich they woke up and killed me. Then i run from my spawn and theres 4 enemy AI litterally infront of the spawn waiting for me to pop around the corner and blast me. During all this i have seen two teammates, not sure where the other's were but they sure as hell didn't seem to care about any objective. Then there's a challenge called Be More Objective, wich is basically 1 VS the rest since your own team mates do absolutely nothing but get in the way.

Right, but who cares about bad AI when the game is meant to be played online? Agreed! But alas online is extremely laggy and there aren't any other game modes other then the option to play a minor variation on each of the 8 mission maps and thats it. So basically if you have beat the story and the 4 challenges you have seen the entire game...

Honestly i don't like going into the graphics that much, simply cos i don't care about it in a game like this as it's about gameplay, but yes compared to other games the graphics are downright horrendous on my Xbox.

Most of the guns feel and sound the same, if you have tried 1 SMG/MG you tried them all. The heavy guns so far have been terrible and frankly just useless if every way.

This game could've been very big and very populair it had more potential then aything else, but instead they just wrapped it up halfway to save money and hope it'll still sell well by the buzz it created...

Even though we won't ever get one i think an apology is in order here, we simply got scammed into buying a game that wasn't done yet.

Honestly, In my experience the AI isn't really that bad. getting spawn killed happens all the time yes, but doesn't that usually happen anyway when playing against real people? And AI doing stupid [censored] in objective games? Don't players do stupid [censored] in objective games? I think the AI is an accurate replacement for most people that play online. Most people are generally unreliable. If you're having problems with that, be more epic.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:42 pm

Like many i couldn't wait to finally slide Brink in my 360, i mean everything seemed so perfect about it. Classes, abilities, leveling, loads of guns and nifty customization...This is pretty much what me and 2 friends have been looking for since..well forever basically. Especially since we all love Team/Objective based FPSes and played the hell out of Mirror's Edge this seemed like a great title for us.
Now when we finally got to play it it didn't take long to get completly disappointed, wich rather soon turned into utter frustration... It became very clear that the game was simply not done yet and rushed out the door for a quick cashgrab. The entire game feels and looks very sloppy and lacking any kind of love, while i'm not sure who does the quality control at Bethesda i sure hope they won't be involved in Skyrim or any other future Bethesda title...definetly not going to pre-order any title from either company and wait on reviews first.

[Pasting a later post in there, didn't realize until now that i made such a trollish OP]

The entire package is just lackluster and feels the game got chopped off at 3/4th or so. I mean, you unlock all your weapons from just doing 4 different challenges? Clearly they intended to make alot more challenges but never got the time/money for it.
Then you have the AI who is absolutely the worst i have seen in a game for a long while. I was doing some mission and managed to torch open a safe and get the data key, wich was guarded by 3 enemies who where running into eachother in circle ontop of a staircase, fine i ignored them took the key and went to deliver it on wich they woke up and killed me. Then i run from my spawn and theres 4 enemy AI litterally infront of the spawn waiting for me to pop around the corner and blast me. During all this i have seen two teammates, not sure where the other's were but they sure as hell didn't seem to care about any objective. Then there's a challenge called Be More Objective, wich is basically 1 VS the rest since your own team mates do absolutely nothing but get in the way.

Right, but who cares about bad AI when the game is meant to be played online? Agreed! But alas online is extremely laggy and there aren't any other game modes other then the option to play a minor variation on each of the 8 mission maps and thats it. So basically if you have beat the story and the 4 challenges you have seen the entire game...

Honestly i don't like going into the graphics that much, simply cos i don't care about it in a game like this as it's about gameplay, but yes compared to other games the graphics are downright horrendous on my Xbox.

Most of the guns feel and sound the same, if you have tried 1 SMG/MG you tried them all. The heavy guns so far have been terrible and frankly just useless if every way.

This game could've been very big and very populair it had more potential then aything else, but instead they just wrapped it up halfway to save money and hope it'll still sell well by the buzz it created...

Even though we won't ever get one i think an apology is in order here, we simply got scammed into buying a game that wasn't done yet.

cant the AI be given orders? hell, even UT you could order them about to protect you etc. seems like we have stepped back into the 90s?!?
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