Now when we finally got to play it it didn't take long to get completly disappointed, wich rather soon turned into utter frustration... It became very clear that the game was simply not done yet and rushed out the door for a quick cashgrab. The entire game feels and looks very sloppy and lacking any kind of love, while i'm not sure who does the quality control at Bethesda i sure hope they won't be involved in Skyrim or any other future Bethesda title...definetly not going to pre-order any title from either company and wait on reviews first.
[Pasting a later post in there, didn't realize until now that i made such a trollish OP]
The entire package is just lackluster and feels the game got chopped off at 3/4th or so. I mean, you unlock all your weapons from just doing 4 different challenges? Clearly they intended to make alot more challenges but never got the time/money for it.
Then you have the AI who is absolutely the worst i have seen in a game for a long while. I was doing some mission and managed to torch open a safe and get the data key, wich was guarded by 3 enemies who where running into eachother in circle ontop of a staircase, fine i ignored them took the key and went to deliver it on wich they woke up and killed me. Then i run from my spawn and theres 4 enemy AI litterally infront of the spawn waiting for me to pop around the corner and blast me. During all this i have seen two teammates, not sure where the other's were but they sure as hell didn't seem to care about any objective. Then there's a challenge called Be More Objective, wich is basically 1 VS the rest since your own team mates do absolutely nothing but get in the way.
Right, but who cares about bad AI when the game is meant to be played online? Agreed! But alas online is extremely laggy and there aren't any other game modes other then the option to play a minor variation on each of the 8 mission maps and thats it. So basically if you have beat the story and the 4 challenges you have seen the entire game...
Honestly i don't like going into the graphics that much, simply cos i don't care about it in a game like this as it's about gameplay, but yes compared to other games the graphics are downright horrendous on my Xbox.
Most of the guns feel and sound the same, if you have tried 1 SMG/MG you tried them all. The heavy guns so far have been terrible and frankly just useless if every way.
This game could've been very big and very populair it had more potential then aything else, but instead they just wrapped it up halfway to save money and hope it'll still sell well by the buzz it created...
Even though we won't ever get one i think an apology is in order here, we simply got scammed into buying a game that wasn't done yet.