Total dissapointment, Brink is an unfinished game.

Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:13 am

Like many i couldn't wait to finally slide Brink in my 360, i mean everything seemed so perfect about it. Classes, abilities, leveling, loads of guns and nifty customization...This is pretty much what me and 2 friends have been looking for since..well forever basically. Especially since we all love Team/Objective based FPSes and played the hell out of Mirror's Edge this seemed like a great title for us.
Now when we finally got to play it it didn't take long to get completly disappointed, wich rather soon turned into utter frustration... It became very clear that the game was simply not done yet and rushed out the door for a quick cashgrab. The entire game feels and looks very sloppy and lacking any kind of love, while i'm not sure who does the quality control at Bethesda i sure hope they won't be involved in Skyrim or any other future Bethesda title...definetly not going to pre-order any title from either company and wait on reviews first.

[Pasting a later post in there, didn't realize until now that i made such a trollish OP]

The entire package is just lackluster and feels the game got chopped off at 3/4th or so. I mean, you unlock all your weapons from just doing 4 different challenges? Clearly they intended to make alot more challenges but never got the time/money for it.
Then you have the AI who is absolutely the worst i have seen in a game for a long while. I was doing some mission and managed to torch open a safe and get the data key, wich was guarded by 3 enemies who where running into eachother in circle ontop of a staircase, fine i ignored them took the key and went to deliver it on wich they woke up and killed me. Then i run from my spawn and theres 4 enemy AI litterally infront of the spawn waiting for me to pop around the corner and blast me. During all this i have seen two teammates, not sure where the other's were but they sure as hell didn't seem to care about any objective. Then there's a challenge called Be More Objective, wich is basically 1 VS the rest since your own team mates do absolutely nothing but get in the way.

Right, but who cares about bad AI when the game is meant to be played online? Agreed! But alas online is extremely laggy and there aren't any other game modes other then the option to play a minor variation on each of the 8 mission maps and thats it. So basically if you have beat the story and the 4 challenges you have seen the entire game...

Honestly i don't like going into the graphics that much, simply cos i don't care about it in a game like this as it's about gameplay, but yes compared to other games the graphics are downright horrendous on my Xbox.

Most of the guns feel and sound the same, if you have tried 1 SMG/MG you tried them all. The heavy guns so far have been terrible and frankly just useless if every way.

This game could've been very big and very populair it had more potential then aything else, but instead they just wrapped it up halfway to save money and hope it'll still sell well by the buzz it created...

Even though we won't ever get one i think an apology is in order here, we simply got scammed into buying a game that wasn't done yet.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:41 am

QQ some more! I'm having a great time with Brink
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:56 am

Its made by Splash Damage, Beth had nothing to do with the quality control.
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:35 am

i have yet to play a game that wasnt horribly laggy. people have said 'its peer to peer' but i havent played a game that is this unplayable because of lag in a long time.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:42 pm

I'm actually having fun even with the PS3 version which I can't play online so I disagree.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:22 am

We had the same frustrated responses with buggy issues from Fallout: new vegas. A different company made Brink. That company is splash damage. Skyrim is being developed by Bethesda game studios.

Bethesda softworks = publisher
Bethesda game studios = game developer
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Richus Dude
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:03 am

I still find the game very enjoyable, but I do agree that the quality assurance on Brink seems like it was non-existant. I was thinking the same thing, in that they really did half-a** it, it seems, which is a shame, since it had the potential to be something amazing. More than anything it's a bit upsetting on how the various reps from SD said in interviews that they decided to move up the release date because "it was ready." That was a complete lie.

In any case, I do hope they can get the various bugs and glitches sorted and patched up. Even in its current state (on PC) I find it to be quite a fun experience. It does feel like it could have been more, though. It still can be, for that matter, if they get to work on those patches.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:40 am

I don't see what people are complaining about. On PC the game runs great, and I'm on a laptop...gameplay is fun if you understand the mechanics and try out new things using SMART. I'm pleased with my $40 purchase. There is an annoying glitch where ALL of the audio goes out on a certain map, happened to all of us, wasn't because of a grenade or anything either.

If the console version(s) of this game is(are) so much worse, I do feel your pain guys :(
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:00 am

I'm actually having fun even with the PS3 version which I can't play online so I disagree.

Save for "Be More Objective **", I support this statement.
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:46 pm

Agree Op, Xbox 360 was a slap in the face.

I cant believe they would even release that game.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:34 am

You didn't even explain why it was bad it just sounds like your QQing
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:34 am

I found that the learning curve was very annoying but for me the game became enjoyable after about 6 hours of game play (the whole security campaign)
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:37 am

How can you guys talk about the gameplay.

The graphics svck!
The gameplay is bad.
The smart system is not smart!

Its clear as day!
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:41 pm

Save for "Be More Objective **", I support this statement.

That challenge...



Showcases the utter ineptitude of the friendly bots and the overpoweredness of the enemy bots, and all that is the worse of Brink and prevents me from enjoying it.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:54 am

How can you guys talk about the gameplay.

The graphics svck!
The gameplay is bad.
The smart system is not smart!

Its clear as day!


It's clear as day!
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:31 pm

i have only been playing a few hour on my Xbox offline and have loved it, everything is right, the controls, the bots really do what i would guess humans would do. How can so many people bash such a great game?
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james reed
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:04 am

Well they say you cant make everybody happy, if anything im even more eager to try this game out :twirl:

Edit: Imo I think a good fraction of hate towards this game comes from some players realization that its back to Black Ops untill Winter :whistling:
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Symone Velez
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:33 pm

I'm actually having fun even with the PS3 version which I can't play online so I disagree.


Save for "Be More Objective **", I support this statement.

beat it within an hour. took a lot of effort but it was worth it.

to the OP, quite QQ'ing about the game. your playing it on xblocks, of course its going to svck. this game rocks. they did a great job with it and its fun to play. your just sad because you cannot figure out how to play it right. learn how to play the game first. and if your still hating it, you have some major issues. maybe put down COD for a while and play some actual FPS's. :facepalm:
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:35 pm

I could see where they could improve the game, mostly the lack of missions and maps, but to say that this game isn't complete. The game looks amazing, once you get use to SMART you move almost flawlessly, and there is only a little lag in multiplayer which only lasts for a little bit (and most of that is my connection warming up).
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:50 am

Have to agree. The game is somewhat fun and the customization is nice, but other than that the game is rubbish.

The SMART system is horribly implemented and is not smooth at all. Often my character will run, vault onto an object,
and slide over the top of said object for me to end up where I did not want to. The parkour challenges were some of
the worst experiences I've had in gaming in years. The character constantly wants to slide after the vault or climb. It all
feels very unresponsive and sloppy.

The graphics are inexcusable in today's gaming market. They aren't terrible, but they do leave a lot to be desired.
Everything just feels unfinished and rushed graphics and textures wise. Unless I'm scoped in or right on top of an
enemy there is virtually no character detail or texture. And the patch did apparently nothing for the 360 version as
many of the textures do not load until I'm near them. I do agree that game play is more important than graphics, but
there comes a point where that simply isn't true anymore.

If I can't clearly make out an enemy or objects seem to muddle together and these issues effect game play then that is
a major problem that shouldn't occur with today's tech. When details and quality textures and graphics are left out of the
game then it isn't as easy to distinguish objects and other players within the environment. Things just don't seem to flow
together and can get slightly confusing, especially with a new title, when quickly scanning the environment. This causes
problems in FPS games since things are generally fast paced.

And the gun play is weak. There is no meat behind firing a weapon and, more importantly, hitting an enemy. Very few
developers can get this right and when they do it adds a whole other level of immersion to the game.

Oh, and what's up with some of the Freeplay missions just randomly switching me to the Resistance when I only have
one character created and he is on the Security's side?

I guess the game will be alright once some things are changed and patched and I'm sure I'll still have fun with it, but I do
have to say that I'm slightly disappointed with the game thus far.

I will never buy another game on release day without playing a demo first.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:47 pm


It's clear as day!

Oh no not at all fact.

Wanna hear a joke Brink I wasted my time and money but I'm happy I could return at gamestop because so many people said it was horrible.

The best game ever is the halo games!
Halo 1 - Game of the year
Halo 2 - Game of the year
Halo 3 - Mp Game of the Year
Halo reach 3 years to make - Mp game of the year.
Brink 2 - 3 years to make - Worst game of 2011!

Rent it don't buy it.

I would of never thought the xbox 360 of brink could look so bad!
Smart is broken doesn't work half the time.
The only thing i liked was leveling up and Customization
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:30 pm

The main problem about the game was your 12th word (bazing!)

Anyways, people have their opinions and whatnot, but your opinion is wrong :)
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:16 am

Oh no not at all fact.

Wanna hear a joke Brink I wasted my time and money but I'm happy I could return at gamestop because so many people said it was horrible.

The best game ever is the halo games!
Halo 1 - Game of the year
Halo 2 - Game of the year
Halo 3 - Mp Game of the Year
Halo reach 3 years to make - Mp game of the year.
Brink 2 - 3 years to make - Worst game of 2011!

Rent it don't buy it.

I would of never thought the xbox 360 of brink could look so bad!
Smart is broken doesn't work half the time.
The only thing i liked was leveling up and Customization

Your problem is you play too much Halo. I'm sure the only reason you don't like BRINK is because you ONLY play Halo....Being as biased as you is a bad thing... :shakehead:
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:57 pm

I'm actually having fun myself on the PS3 version. The controls do feel a little clunky but that's something you can adapt to. Level design is ok. The smart system is cool but it's still something im adapting to. The customization is pretty cool and the Menus seem to be very organized in my opinion. I like the tech type of music they implemented and i like the number of upgrades and different weaponry that Brink has to offer. So overall i would seem to be having a blast atm.

My review score so far

Brink FTW!!! :celebration:
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remi lasisi
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:28 am

Your problem is you play too much Halo. I'm sure the only reason you don't like BRINK is because you ONLY play Halo....Being as biased as you is a bad thing... :shakehead:

I don't only play halo! I love Teamwork and great Gameplay.
Don't get me wrong I love the concept of this game! hats of to them. But they didn't pull through

Used outdated engine to make the game.
Its nice to have the objective game based but I was doing the same thing over and over. I was with my team killing people doing objectives that was brink.
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