Yes I want touch spells and more to it! I want them incorporated in my Hand to Hand. No wimpy touches anymore, this one fights with his lightning and fire fist! I seriously hope that this is alteast a perk ;o
I loved touch spells they just seem really fun and cool, plus spells like drain or charm are more suited to touch from a rp perspective IMO.
I think the idea to have a spell be touch if close enough if good. Kinda like a melée lunge in fps, plus then you could have cool animations for people like grabbing there face and surging 10,000 volt through it, or a gental hand on shoulder for a charm or buff spell. Plus when your a bad ass it would be sweet to sneak up on someone and just place your hand on their shoulder, draining every last inch of life from there body before trapping there soul for eternity in a little gem.
Hand to hand perks that let you use magic punches could be pulled of well or just be incorporated into the touch spell mechanic as finishers or some thing, that would be sweet, staggering your foe with a series of ranged blasts then charge in for the final svcker flame punch of a life time, send your foe reeling, either that or have it as sprint sensative as well as range so in the right sercomestance touch spell range is a epic punch instead of just a touch/push.