» Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:47 am
I think the target magnetism would be very well-utilized by a character using touch spells. You wouldn't have to worry about hitting an ally at all, I wouldn't think. You would be so close to the enemy, with your aim magnetized, that I think it could be well implemented for magic use.
And while we're somewhat on the subject of how touch spells are useful - They are obviously useful for sneak attacks by mages, but why is it that there are really no better options for mages to have a few stealthy spells? I mean, the way I see it, not every spell from every school should involve some bright light and crazy sound just to use it. For instance, telekinesis as it stands already seems to be a "stealthier" magic. You can use it without the great flourish of all the other spells. But unfortunately, that has yet to be capitalized on in combat. I think of it this way: As a Jedi using the Force, you could in theory sneak close to some dangerous enemies, and use your telekinetic ability to trip some kind of environmental hazard near them to cause their deaths, as opposed to rushing in and engaging them all like a fool. Why not apply the same concept to AT LEAST the Telekinesis spell in Skyrim?
Imagine the ability to trip one of the traps on the far side of a dungeon and send hot oil, logs, rocks, a spiky ball, etc. onto your enemies with the focused application of a ranged telekinesis spell. Or even better, be able to pick up an object and propel it at an enemy, causing actual damage, and thus making the enemy freak out and accuse his ally of hitting him in the dark(yes, I realize we have Frenzy and the like), or simply sending it to the far side of the dungeon for them to investigate, blindly searching for the cause of the disturbance, and go wandering around while you move and plan your attack, or simply sneak past. All of those options are just simple examples of what could be done in that area, but I'm sure there are plenty more ideas I just haven't thought of yet. But, I do see this as the perfect utilization of an otherwise useless spell. What do you think?