What is the toughest boss fight you have encountered?
I would have to say Malkoran. Those frost spells were deadly.
What is the toughest boss fight you have encountered?
I would have to say Malkoran. Those frost spells were deadly.
I've been playing on legendary, and I fought Harkon. That was the hardest battle I've had yet. I actually had to prepare. Can you believe it? Prepare! I felt like I was playing Paper Mario.
Karstaag for me. Fought him on Master with no HUD, & basically no armor.
Ebony warrior I had an advantage over, he wasn't completely immune to frost so.. yeah. (my character is a Cyromancer)
I had a hard time with Harkon, but that was probably because I started the fight and noticed "I have no arrows... how am I supposed to fire this bow...?"
Spoil tags, people, spoil tags!
I can honestly say i never faced Karstaag. I just looked him up on the wiki.
No kidding. There are a lot of people that didn't even know one of these Bosses was in the game.
Namely me.
Now as far as my hardest so far... Mirmulnir.
At a certain point boss fight difficulty kind of plateau's. You hit, run, heal, repeat most of the time unless you're an insanely high level and you can just kill them in one go. I don't see any point in a boss with like 4000 health, such as in the case of Karstaag, I'd rather have a potent enemy and get the darn thing over quickly.
Lord Tusk, luckily I had found a weapon nearby that has the most powerful enchantment in TES history to finish him off.
Kastaag. Nothing else even comes close. I love that guy's fighting style.
Has anyone ever:
Malkoran. I've died a stupid number of times at his hand because of how massively overpowered Ice Storm is at the level I always seem to tackle Meridia's Temple at.
Karstaag and the ebony fella. i dont think it can get tougher than this.
Krosis at level 11 was a pain. Luckily he got stuck on the side of the mountain.