Probably you should realise that this is not the case, and the towns are dissappointingly small, theres 3-4 houses, a merchant or two and a jarl's hall. THATS IT, then theres the 8 NPC's and the 5 guards. Thats basically standard per city. I can find more interesting cities in.. Well any game that has cities/towns.
@Mightlylink you gonna tell me the cities in Assassins creed Doesnt feel more alive than in Skyrim? Because of so, I believe you havent played Assassins Creed. One thing is quests givers, another is a bunch of random NPC's that just give the feeling of LIFE to a city, Skyrim lacks that badly.
@Mightlylink you gonna tell me the cities in Assassins creed Doesnt feel more alive than in Skyrim? Because of so, I believe you havent played Assassins Creed. One thing is quests givers, another is a bunch of random NPC's that just give the feeling of LIFE to a city, Skyrim lacks that badly.
Yes Assassins Creed cities are big and alive but the are filled with 6 different NPC models just multiplied by 100. All filler, no character, cant talk to any of them. I do love that series too though.