id make a town out of sticks! it would be a massive 7 inches tall and atleast a meter in diameter!, id make shops and houses, id free the slaves from paradise falls and tell them to live there with the bobble heads in harmony. but if any refused or told me im mad...well...that wouldnt be very sporting now would it hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... :nono:.
I would capture a boatfly and get it to teach me its ways *picture LW trying to buzz round like a fly* then id convince the rest of the boatfly population to join forces with me to take over the land. id ride on a molerat into battle like a true king and appoint sticky as my second in command! he will tell tales of my victories and convince people to join me.
Good plan, but there is already a and he always fails miserably in my games. Bugs just make really terrible followers, sorry.
I think the Germantown Police HQ would be a good location. The med-evac camp outside could be the slums, while the interior of the building could house the upper class.
Plus, it already has all the aminities...
A jail, a cafeteria, a lab, a shooting range, and plenty of living space and areas for merchants to set up shop.
Not to mention it's right down the road from Paradise Falls, so getting labor to set it up and maintain it would be a snap.