One thing I've been noticing since joining these forums is just how dogmatic and aggressive some of its fans can be.
Many here outright attack any criticism or suggestions, and the people making them. Many here actively tell people to go somewhere else. Many here seem to be of the belief that this game is perfect in every way and will absolutely succeed no matter what.
It's the type of fandom that is toxic to the success of this game. One that promotes exclusivity and crushes any form of perceived dissent. One that ultimately pushes more people away from the game than welcomes them in.
I only ask that the people of this community take time to consider this; is your fanaticism helping or hindering the success of this game? Are your comments and responses going to leave others with a positive outlook on the community that plays this game, even if they don't have a positive outlook on the game itself? Do you really want this game to succeed, or are you willing to let your actions contribute to its failure?
Consider the influence you as a fan have, and please make use of it responsibly, keeping the success of the very thing you're a fan of in mind.