I want to track a book I give to the player and replace it with another one at some point
cases :
A ) player drops it in interior or exterior (non oblivion) : solved
B ) player carries it : solved
C ) player puts it in a container (or a dead actor or in Oblivion plane or in a worldspace added from a mod which then he removes) :
container is a persistent ref, non respawning : solved
container is a persistent ref, respawning, or scripted with removeallitems (like Traven's chest), or a dynamic worldspace etc : not solved - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1084591-what-happens-to-a-persistent-reference-placed-in-a-respawning-chest/ no way to check if an item gets removed from the world. IsFormValid returns 1 (from the quest script - book is a persistent ref)
container is a non-persistent ref, non respawning : not solved - how do I access the container from a script when not loaded ? That is my main issue : any tricks ? add what ? a disabled low level processing actor in the cell which activates the container every frame ?
container is a non-persistent ref, respawning : see above
Help :brokencomputer: :banghead: :confused: