I'm a little pissed. I live in Northwest, Wisconsin and pretty much a 2 hour drive from Minneapolis where Game Informer is located. How can everybody around the country be getting the magazines but not someone right next to where it's created every month?
I'm a little pissed. I live in Northwest, Wisconsin and pretty much a 2 hour drive from Minneapolis where Game Informer is located. How can everybody around the country be getting the magazines but not someone right next to where it's created every month?
It must be printed elsewhere, maybe in gamestop HQ in Texas
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[#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 60 seconds before replying or posting a new topic.
Why is [#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 60 seconds before replying or posting a new topic. always on your posts?
But as I understand it, only subscribers will have gotten it already, and it won't be in stores till the 14th? I don't know anything about magazines...