Spoiler alert if you haven't done the NCR missions by the way ...
Well, Through, various diplomatic avenues, I was able to convince the Khans to not only not support the legion, but to aid the NCR in the predicted battle of hoover dam. All seemed well. I don't know what happened. For some reason, they wouldn't let me tell the NCR officer at the dam that the Khans were on board. I killed Papa Khan, I didn't kill Papa Khan, unfourtenently I couldn't find the book that would have led to Papa rediscovering his people's glory.
I saved over both games before I could do that. And I really wanted to do the NCR missions this time around, so ... I had to do it..
I slaughtered every Great Khan in Red Rock Cannon. It is by the far, the worst thing I have ever done in New Vegas. I killed them all! It was horrible! Some of the women were screaming, No! And I had this brohter hood power armour on too! It wasn't even a fiar fight! There was nothing to do!
Damn you, Fallout glitch! Damn my own desire to see the NCR ending!
I tried to do good in this Godforsaken dessert! But all I bring to people is pain!
Also, went to Nelsen, saw some crucified NCR guys hanging out, pun intended. So I talk to Arcade Gannon, he goes, "What's up?"
Whats up!? How many crucifixtions do you gotta see for you to not know the Crucifixtions are "What's up?" I don't know what's going on in that Mormon fort and I don't want to know. We cut the soldiers down but they didn't help us, they just ran away, I guess i can't blame them, crucifixtions stink.
I really hate myself. i killed the Khans. not my best night.