Tragic! Just Tragic! ( Spoilers )

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:24 pm

Guys, more bad news from the wasteland. I was sent to Red Rock as an ambassador from the NCR.

Spoiler alert if you haven't done the NCR missions by the way ...

Well, Through, various diplomatic avenues, I was able to convince the Khans to not only not support the legion, but to aid the NCR in the predicted battle of hoover dam. All seemed well. I don't know what happened. For some reason, they wouldn't let me tell the NCR officer at the dam that the Khans were on board. I killed Papa Khan, I didn't kill Papa Khan, unfourtenently I couldn't find the book that would have led to Papa rediscovering his people's glory.

I saved over both games before I could do that. And I really wanted to do the NCR missions this time around, so ... I had to do it..

I slaughtered every Great Khan in Red Rock Cannon. It is by the far, the worst thing I have ever done in New Vegas. I killed them all! It was horrible! Some of the women were screaming, No! And I had this brohter hood power armour on too! It wasn't even a fiar fight! There was nothing to do!

Damn you, Fallout glitch! Damn my own desire to see the NCR ending!

I tried to do good in this Godforsaken dessert! But all I bring to people is pain!


Also, went to Nelsen, saw some crucified NCR guys hanging out, pun intended. So I talk to Arcade Gannon, he goes, "What's up?"

Whats up!? How many crucifixtions do you gotta see for you to not know the Crucifixtions are "What's up?" I don't know what's going on in that Mormon fort and I don't want to know. We cut the soldiers down but they didn't help us, they just ran away, I guess i can't blame them, crucifixtions stink.

I really hate myself. i killed the Khans. not my best night.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:21 pm

I just went in there with a sniper rifle and a [censored] load of ammo and jumped on top of one of the crane machines... No more deathclaws.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:28 pm

lol thanks. Eh my mines dont really do any dmg to their health per say, more to thier limbs, when they are just casually slow-mo walking to you thier big bodies makes it to where its hard as hell to miss them unless u see a SQUIRELL!

yeah, Squirrels are the worst, just cute and fluffy enough to make you forget about the Death Claws closing the distance...
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:13 pm

I hate the khans

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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:29 pm

And I had this brohter hood power armour on too!

Well, at least you dressed up appropriately. Raiders against Raiders.

P.S. don't feel bad for the Khans. I have sympathies for them but if they ever die, they get what's coming at them.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:51 am

I don't doubt that this is a possibilty, I agree that Eden certainly recognized the immense potential that could be reaped with the LW as an ally of the Enclave.

But I'm simply suggesting that Eden is quite capable of subterfuge. He's being playing out an entire operation in opposition to Autumn for quite some time after all. It's not unreasonable to suggest that he'd get rid of the LW once the deed was done.

He also may still want Autumn as his confidant, given how Autumn does still have a hard-line loyalty to him. Its hard to say really. It seems to me that Autumn and Eden don't necessarily want to "go their seperate ways" as it were. Its just Autumn is trying to convince Eden that his plan is the right one, and Eden (to me) seems to be doing the same thing with Autumn. It is a complicated matter to be sure.

Quite true. This is just one of the few moments in my life when I like to think optimistic, despite risks of everything going wrong :P

Eden/Autumn relationship is beautifully complicated IMO. While I once thought this was just writer short-sightedness I've started to believe it was entirely intentional.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:07 pm

I wouldn't think the Khans or even the Fiends situation is so one sided.

A lot of the Khans were born into the society. Their innocent, sure people teach them to sell to drugs or do worst things, but just because mainstream socitey tells us not to do that, doesn't make us better than them.

Really what we had here, was a chance to simultaniously elevate their standard of living, and make the wasteland a safer place. There are some people that you need to get rid of for the greater good, which is why I was willing to assasinate Papa Khan. But for the most part, as danergous as the Khans or fiends are, their just children that grew up in a vioent society and never had a chance to be anything else.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:31 pm

Actually. If you make the Bitter Springs massacre as bad as it sounded, a lot of elderly and children got killed by First Recon. Since that was only a few years ago, I don't think a large margin of individuals are "born into" the Khan society anymore. Indeed, many of them mention joining instead, and their initial ritual is well known for it's brutality. A lot of people outside the Great Khans seem to know about this ritual which implies either it happens often or a lot of people try it out.

There's also dialect differences galore, skin, hair, and eye pigmentation across the entire spectrum. I'd say at this point more Khans have joined than were born into it.

The Fiends are not a long-standing faction. They're reported as a "new band of Raiders" on Radio New Vegas. Given the rampant psychosis that implies a great deal of chemical abuse (as the faction is known for) I don't imagine they've had any children that weren't stillborn since their conception and given their "new kid on the block" status it's unlikely any of them would be more than toddlers.

Sure some of the junkies might have had children before joining, there's that idea.

I find it exceptionally hard to empathize with the Fiends because they basically represent little more than a slightly more organized - only in that they have "leadership" - band of mongrel raiders.

Long story short - screw the Great Khans, the Fiends, the Jackals, the Vipers, and the generic raiders. Being a raider when opportunity is all around you to join up with something greater or settle down entirely is an action reserved for the intellectually challenged. All the Khans I've spoken with didn't exactly dazzle me with their intelligence, they just tell you their latest (terrible) plan and then get into the rhetoric wheel of "Waaah, NCR." Just because the Khans have a back-story and a faction bar makes them unique, but not special.

They were bastards before Bitter Springs, now they're just bastards with a persecution complex due to being bastards in the first place. They picked their fight and lost. There's a lot of opportunities for a group of hardy individuals like themselves to claim and settle one of the less inhospitable areas of the Wasteland. It's not our obligation to lament over every idiot with a self-induced drug addiction or who just isn't willing to work harder than "Me am strong, me am punchfactory you in face now and take stuff."

I took Sneering Imperialist, by the way. That should be apparent.

That said, my good characters tend to take the diplomatic approach. Although quite frankly I don't want them carving out an empire by leeching off the Followers in their "ideal" ending. I might just ally them with the Legion or NCR from now on so they either get consumed or kicked out.
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:15 pm

I introduced them to my good friend Esther, and her nine children. As all ten of them possess explosive tempers, things got very messy very quickly.

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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:19 am

I don't really see the problem with wiping out the Khans. Admittedly, this might be because I've seen then in three games so far, and each time they were violent douchebags who needed to be put down like the rabid vermin they are.

Sorta like wiping out the White Legs.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:54 am

Y'know what? I'm with you. For once I'm going to just go in and laser off all their faces because they just don't learn.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:21 pm

I tried to do good in this Godforsaken dessert! But all I bring to people is pain!

I love godforsaken dessert, cake is probally the best.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:05 pm

Flare gun from LR makes them run and hide
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He got the
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:38 pm

The Enclave is pretty extreme, as are the legion, but their point is valid. In the post war world, stability is key. Survival is key. You have to be strong in a time like this, with power resting in the hands of a few or one rather than in many. Hence why the Bear will fail. The Bull will also fail, but their failure will be much more gradual because of their extreme measures. In all honesty, the Legion is a more black region than the Enclave, who are dark grey, but still grey.

And then we have the Brotherhood. Give us all the tech, or we kill you. Individually strong, but collectively weak because of their unending blind following of the Codex. I honestly would like to be there with the Elder right when the bunker is destroyed to see the look on his face knowing that he, his chapter and his faction are doomed.
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:32 pm

Actually. If you make the Bitter Springs massacre as bad as it sounded, a lot of elderly and children got killed by First Recon. Since that was only a few years ago, I don't think a large margin of individuals are "born into" the Khan society anymore. Indeed, many of them mention joining instead, and their initial ritual is well known for it's brutality. A lot of people outside the Great Khans seem to know about this ritual which implies either it happens often or a lot of people try it out.

There's also dialect differences galore, skin, hair, and eye pigmentation across the entire spectrum. I'd say at this point more Khans have joined than were born into it.

The Fiends are not a long-standing faction. They're reported as a "new band of Raiders" on Radio New Vegas. Given the rampant psychosis that implies a great deal of chemical abuse (as the faction is known for) I don't imagine they've had any children that weren't stillborn since their conception and given their "new kid on the block" status it's unlikely any of them would be more than toddlers.

Sure some of the junkies might have had children before joining, there's that idea.

I find it exceptionally hard to empathize with the Fiends because they basically represent little more than a slightly more organized - only in that they have "leadership" - band of mongrel raiders.

Long story short - screw the Great Khans, the Fiends, the Jackals, the Vipers, and the generic raiders. Being a raider when opportunity is all around you to join up with something greater or settle down entirely is an action reserved for the intellectually challenged. All the Khans I've spoken with didn't exactly dazzle me with their intelligence, they just tell you their latest (terrible) plan and then get into the rhetoric wheel of "Waaah, NCR." Just because the Khans have a back-story and a faction bar makes them unique, but not special.

They were bastards before Bitter Springs, now they're just bastards with a persecution complex due to being bastards in the first place. They picked their fight and lost. There's a lot of opportunities for a group of hardy individuals like themselves to claim and settle one of the less inhospitable areas of the Wasteland. It's not our obligation to lament over every idiot with a self-induced drug addiction or who just isn't willing to work harder than "Me am strong, me am punchfactory you in face now and take stuff."

I took Sneering Imperialist, by the way. That should be apparent.

That said, my good characters tend to take the diplomatic approach. Although quite frankly I don't want them carving out an empire by leeching off the Followers in their "ideal" ending. I might just ally them with the Legion or NCR from now on so they either get consumed or kicked out.

You know what it is Bridges? If they weren't born into the Khans, they were born into something else. We're all innocent when we start.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:05 pm

I got a story of hope! I got a story with a message! If you don't give up, if you don't give into temptation! You can make the unthinkable happen!

I visit Moore at the Hovver Dam. You know what she tells me!? She goes, Rooster, you gotta blow up the Brother hood of steel, I'll even tell you how to do it.

Well, I'm stunned. this is the NCR! This is my country! They want me to kil!? I told her, I'm in good with the Brother Hood, they'll listen to me! We can form an alliance! But she wont have none of that! She wants them gone so nothing will screw up the upcoming battle at the dam. So what do I do? I hit the strip pretty hard. I go to Gommorah and the rest is a blur. i woke up in Ambassador Crockers office, butt naked. He's yelling at me to get out of their and I don't know where my clothes or weapons have gone.

i borrowed some stuff from the guys at the tops but public indecency was the least of my worries. I couldn't destroy the brother hood, that would be genocide. So what could I do?


I knew Freeside needed the NCR. They needed goverment. And the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I had to blow up the Brother hood. So I went into the bunker that they allowed me to enter. I lifted the key card from their head scribe, and i talked to the pretty little blonde girl who jacked the laser pistol form the armoury.

I couldn't do it, I changed my mind. I couldn't let all those kids go up in smoke. The current elder svcked but maybe the next generation could make the change the brother hood of steel desperatly needs!

So I went to McNammara and I told him point blank, the NCR are fixing to do yall in.

And you know what happened? He suprised me. He knew he has to make peace with the enemy, there was no way out! And now the brother hood are going to fight alongside the NCR in the battle of Hoover dam part 2!!!!

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!! Goodness, Gracious! Great balls of fire!

We did it, we united two foes towards a common good! I'm sure many will die at the dam, but nobody would die today!

Everybody, sing with me, ya'll know the lyrics!!!



Show them all the beauty they possess inside!
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier!
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be !
Everybody searching for a hero !!!
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs!
A lonely place to be !
So I learned to depend on me !

I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows !
If I fail, if I succeed !
At least I live as I believe !
No matter what they take from me !
They can't take away my dignity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all !
Inside of me
The greatest love of all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PEACE IN THE MOJAVE, 2011!!!!! I'm off this ...
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emily grieve
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:17 am

this guy is awesome XD
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:58 pm
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:39 pm

Getting over the primitive affection to the Brotherhood is a phase every child must go through, like admitting the Tooth Fairy is fictional and that Santa Claus is actually just Uncle Bob (which explains his absence - and the stench).
Destroying the Brotherhood isn't genocide. It's a service to all mankind, both Pure Strain and Near Human.

God Bless the Enclave. God Bless America.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:23 pm

too......many......words...... :shocking:
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:21 pm

I disagree Pistol. Nothing is more valuable than human life.

What about the kids? They didn't have anything to do with the sins of their fathers.
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Your Mum
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:28 am

Getting over the primitive affection to the Brotherhood is a phase every child must go through, like admitting the Tooth Fairy is fictional and that Santa Claus is actually just Uncle Bob (which explains his absence - and the stench).
Destroying the Brotherhood isn't genocide. It's a service to all mankind, both Pure Strain and Near Human.

God Bless the Enclave. God Bless America.

lol. The best thing about the Brotherhood is that sixy T-45d power armor and the Capital Wasteland Chapter, but it ends there.
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:02 am

too......many......words...... :shocking:

Agreed, the wall of text dissuaded me from reading.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:07 am

Hey, lets stay hush-hush on the wall of text comment. That kind of reading level is why China is kicking our rear. :shakehead:
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:53 am

I get my best distance and big and powerful guns, run as fast as I can up the highest machinery and hope they don't find their way up it.
Sometimes they do. :(
That Gun works well.
I sometimes avoid it, if I don't need to do it for the Dinner Bell.
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