Damn it, where is Andronicus when I need him!

*cue epic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaaBN4Mm0Ok and the sound of whirring vertibird rotor wings
Right here. Never a dull moment when you're Eden's defender. :toughninja:
Or for Eden's FEV to jump hosts from mutants to pure strains. That's the trouble with viruses, they have such a short life cycle that they evolve rapidly.
Given how pure strains are still capable of interbreeding with "mutants", the differences are much less than the differences between say, hogs and humans, or birds and humans - both of which have had viruses that jumped hosts to humans.
Except that it doesn't do that.
We are told specifically in the ending slides that the Enclave is "preserved" while the rest of the wasteland population is wiped out.
"Humanity was preserved, but only in its purest form" (cut to massive picture of a group of Enclave)Thus, Eden' virus does in no way harm the Enclave, just as Richardson's FEV Curling 13 virus would not have harmed the Enclave once they were given the proper inoculation. Broken Steel doesn't refute this idea, indeed it supports it.
Unless you can come up with concrete proof that viruses in Fallout (and specially the FEV virus) works exactly as you describe it to, then we are done here.
More to the point, I also don't recall that viruses have the ability to mutate humans into another creature in real life, increasing their size, strength and stamina and drastically changing their form and skeletal structure without completely killing them. :shrug: Thus arguing that a virus in the Fallout universe would be a "stupid move on Eden's part because this is how it would/should work in real life" is a moot point. Nothing for it.
We have to use a bit of fantasy logic when addressing these issues, since virtually nothing that exists as "SCIENCE" in the Fallout universe would be applicable to real-life (i.e. laser rifles that don't shoot a continuous beam), and you can't just pick and choose what to focus on as being "silly" simply because it suits your needs to destroy the credibility of a particular individual who bases an idea/plan on "SCIENCE" (and I'm not just referring to Eden here).
I think I prefer "Eden is an idiot" personally. This is the man who talks about growing up in rural Kentucky and expects it to be compelling rhetoric to an audience stuck in the Capital Wasteland, which has all the standard of living of Somalia, except with super mutants.
Eden is a ZAX AI thank you very much. :tongue: (Nope, not afraid to say it, I like that Eden is an AI)
Eden doesn't honestly believe the things he is saying to the wastelanders, if that's what you are implying, its all just propaganda.
Propaganda, I might add, that is apparently working on some level. Given how most radios in the wasteland appear to play Enclave radio and their are quite a few people tuning in.
Eden is a charismatic individual who promises the glory of a new beginning, why wouldn't people be drawn to that idea if they've been living in squalor all their lives? In any case, both Eden and Autumn use the radio for their own purposes, so its joint-Enclave policy.
If Eden had an antidote to the FEV, why didn't he say so?
The good President has no need for an antidote, as I have already previously explained.
His loyalties are with the Enclave, but you? You are a wild card, a curious person who has a reputation of getting things done. I believe he gave the wanderer the Virus because he had a good idea of how much time he had left before he was replaced and giving it to a capable person who has a reputaion for being curious...
Excellent point. Eden may have fully intended all along to have the LW die once the FEV was inserted and his mission complete.