at least before May. Month with an R in it, remember? That could mean Feb, March, April... Sep, Oct, Nov. September is way too late, and as stated earlier in this thread- why show an old build of the game? Which makes me think they'll show one soon. Then show some more spread out over the months leading up to November.
Oh yeah-- forgot about Hines' tweet -- "Should be a good month". So could mean Feb, or could mean within one month after he said that. Think it's like a week ago, so no more than three weeks till a vid, I guess (?)
...all i saw was a comment about ketchup packets...
what the [censored] hell does that have to do with the upcoming trailer?!
The twitter comment about the chik-fil-a ketchup packets is his most recent. The one about the trailer was earlier today. Pete updates his twitter with non business stuff a lot, hence the ketchup message.