At 1:11 it appears that nukes are going off at Mojave Outpost and either McCarran or the Strip (or both), so maybe the option will be to eliminate the NCR or Legion presence in the Mojave rather than wipe out their capital cities. Think about it, nuking Mojave outpost would completely cut off NCR supply lines, so it's possible. :shrug:
The flame wars would be scary though, very scary... :bolt:
That would be awesome, but I can't fathom how they'd reconcile it with the existing New Vegas canon storyline.
And, although the sheer thought is utterly horrific, I do admit that I might enjoy nuking the crap out of Legion... :S
Now, if only there's an option to nuke the NCR AND the Legion! Viva la Brotherhood!
Upon further examining 1:11, it appears that it's the Strip/McCarran and the Fort getting nuked.