Trainers in Skyrim

Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:40 am

I personally believe trainers should not be in Skyrim. You should earn your skills, not buy them.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:43 am

The option should at least be there, I think. I almost never use trainers, but it can be useful. Some skills increase really slowly.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:24 am

Trainers with unlimited training. I hardly used trainers in Oblivion, but used them a lot with Morrowind.

You're still earning your skills if you buy them since it costs gold. The alternative is standing in a corner summoning skeletons and whacking them.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:13 am

I think they should, but only if it's more interactive that Oblivion. I don't want to fork over my 1000 septims, then 'poof' im better. Maybe I pay them, then have to do something and upon completion get my skill point. LIke if I buy 1 Handed weapons training, I must duel someone with a 1 handed weapon. Then the higher your skill the harder the enemy. e.g. if your training from 10 to 11, its very easy. But from 95 to 96 is a very difficult battle. Some system like that, I dunno. It should at least take time out of the day and not be instant.
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:04 pm

Trainers with unlimited training. I hardly used trainers in Oblivion, but used them a lot with Morrowind.

You're still earning your skills if you buy them since it costs gold. The alternative is standing in a corner summoning skeletons and whacking them.

Another thing that reminds me, you shouldn't able to raise your sneak by just pressing caps lock and leaving the game on for a day, then you have a level 100 round sneak.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:12 am

I think they should, but only if it's more interactive that Oblivion. I don't want to fork over my 1000 septims, then 'poof' im better. Maybe I pay them, then have to do something and upon completion get my skill point. LIke if I buy 1 Handed weapons training, I must duel someone with a 1 handed weapon. Then the higher your skill the harder the enemy. e.g. if your training from 10 to 11, its very easy. But from 95 to 96 is a very difficult battle. Some system like that, I dunno. It should at least take time out of the day and not be instant.

Morrowind passed 2-3 hours every time you train. Something more interactive would indeed be nice. Maybe for weapons & armor skills you'd need to do some sparring, archery could be complex target practice. Not sure how that'd work with stuff like speechcraft or magic, maybe those could be the "earn it" skills.

I think I'd like actual "courses" where you need to put in some serious gold, and then some work sparring or doing target practice and depending on how you perform you come out with 1 - 5 skill points.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:49 am

There should definitely be trainers, but being trained should be much more of a hassle: If you are trying to get a skill to 50, you can use just money, but after that, you must become an apprentice, doing various tasks for a master, and paying to do these tasks, and every once in a while, you learn something new. Eventually, around 70, you have to go find a legendary master, who makes you do an immensely tough test for the trainer to even think of training you. You then have to do all kinds of tasks for them, and you have to use your skills in duels against the master. At around 95, the master tells you that they can teach you nothing more, and that you must learn the rest on your own.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:11 pm

Trainers with unlimited training. I hardly used trainers in Oblivion, but used them a lot with Morrowind.

You're still earning your skills if you buy them since it costs gold. The alternative is standing in a corner summoning skeletons and whacking them.

Umm hell no? They were made limited in Oblivion for a reason. Your supposed to raise your skill by yourself for the most part and only have limited training to get you a little higher.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:29 pm

Umm hell no? They were made limited in Oblivion for a reason. Your supposed to raise your skill by yourself for the most part and only have limited training to get you a little higher.

The man has somewhat of a point. To get my various magic skills up in Oblivion I would just cast a spell over and over and over. I would literally hold C down as I ran around a town doing various chores. (Repairing, selling, quests, etc) I can't say theres much difference except that's tedious, but free...
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:41 am

i'd like trainers for perks as well. perhaps not all perks but some of them where it would make sense.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:20 am

i'd like trainers for perks as well. perhaps not all perks but some of them where it would make sense.

That would be really cool if there was a perk or two that someone could train you in that you couldn't get anywhere else. It would make some of the training be more realistic. I think it was the Gray Prince in Oblivion that trains you in combat skills if you complete his quest, and he tells you you can't learn those moves anywhere else. It would make more sense if, while in a similar situation in Skyrim, you're given a unique perk that you will quite literally not be able to learn anywhere else.
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Post » Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:51 pm

Someone to give you training to get a perk would be great, but I'd like to decrease the influence of the regular skill trainers. They need to balance things so that you can learn what you need to in a timely manner of performing the task, and never needing a trainer.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:16 am

Why not? Its your own choice to use them and it would make sense for someone to make a honest living by training people. There are tutors and teachers in real life, why not in Skyrim the place where we and I quote the TES team "Live a life, in another world"
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:02 pm

Why not? Its your own choice to use them and it would make sense for someone to make a honest living by training people. There are tutors and teachers in real life, why not in Skyrim the place where we and I quote the TES team "Live a life, in another world"

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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:47 am

Personal opinion is OB just about had it right with the five per level limit and the master trainer quests. Cannot see the point of having to work/spar/shoot targets for training when you may as well go adventuring to increase skills, it's a choice between paying to use a sword a load of times, or getting paid in loot to use a sword a load of times,
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:48 am

Maybe not trainERS but trainING of sum sort for every skill.

I remember in Oblivion I had a warrior type character and got sick of dark dungeons so I decided to train my illusion so I could buy a starlight spell that required a butload of skill. I ran from one side of the map to the other and back over and over again just casting a weaker spell to get lvls up. Did a lot of exploring lol.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:12 am

One idea might be that you are required to also use your skill, say you train 3-5 levels, now you had to use the skill and raise it a level before training more.

Now main use of trainers in Morrowind and Oblivion was to raise minor skills so you got 3x5 multipliers then levelling up and this is gone in Skyrim.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:40 am

Trainers should be available,most definitely. There is always someone out there better than you at a particular skill. Also the new AI will allow us to train NPC's wich is cool. So there you go,training for everyone! :)
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:03 am

Going to a trainer should start a "Minigame" where you actually train your skill, but it gets experience 4 times fatser than in normal world because the trainer tells you tips at the same time while you practice it.
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Post » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:12 pm

This is actually a subject I've been thinking about, and yes, the option to use trainers should be in Skyrim. It just makes sense, from a role-playing perspective. In real life, what do you do if you're not good at something, but you want to learn it? Well, often, the easiest way is to get someone else to teach you. And I didn't really like the idea of artificially limiting how many times you could train per level. It just struck me as kind of artificial, and while I understand it's supposed to balance training, I think a better approach would be to raise the amount of gold required to train. It should of course start out low but get considerably more expensive as the skill increases. If you're worried about training unbalancing the game, than make it cost more so it's harder for players to train large amounts at one time, makes sense to me.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:44 pm

This is actually a subject I've been thinking about, and yes, the option to use trainers should be in Skyrim. It just makes sense, from a role-playing perspective. In real life, what do you do if you're not good at something, but you want to learn it? Well, often, the easiest way is to get someone else to teach you. And I didn't really like the idea of artificially limiting how many times you could train per level. It just struck me as kind of artificial, and while I understand it's supposed to balance training, I think a better approach would be to raise the amount of gold required to train. It should of course start out low but get considerably more expensive as the skill increases. If you're worried about training unbalancing the game, than make it cost more so it's harder for players to train large amounts at one time, makes sense to me.

A human being cannot absorb huge amounts of knowledge at a time iin rteal life either, you'd have to learn gradually. It's not like you can tell us exactly everything about a book you real, from page to page if you've only read it one time and it was all on the same day. There needs to be time between the things you can learn and in obhlivion there was. But what I don't like is that if you don't train (learn) anything one level, thoise lost 5 skill points can never be regained. That is the only bad thing about oblivions type of training.
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Post » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:13 pm

I personally believe trainers should not be in Skyrim. You should earn your skills, not buy them.

you earn the money though.

i dont mind trainers. but they should have a pretty low cap and high prices.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:31 pm

Trainers hsouldn't be insta-level. They should give you a set amount of skill experience, and be limited to once per skill level, as well as a lifetime limit per trainer.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:11 pm

In Morrowind, I spent most of my money on trainers. It was how I wanted to play my game. In other RPGs, you improve your skills at level-ups, and trainers are the equivalent for it. You've completed a quest, and instead of XP you received gold, but just like XP you can use this gold to make your character better.
For Oblivion, there was also a simple modification called "Must Train" which removed the maximum of training sessions, but removed any natural progression of skills - you HAD to go to a trainer. And when you played that, you start to understand how that can be quite an interesting challenge on its own. Because most of the time, it really is much easier to just stand in a corner and keep the cast button pressed until you got your 5 skill increases.

Anyway. There should be trainers. If they really think it's necessary, they could maybe have a maximum of 5 training sessions per day, not per level, and that the player has to have slept in between or something. That is at least a mechanic that seems realistic to the player, even though he may not like it.
And yes, they should insta-level you in the skills. That's what they're there for. That's the difference between a trainer and training on your own.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:11 am

I think that they should be in. You can pay someone to teach you in real life, so why not here?
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