And I'm sure everyone has secretly wished they could gain skill level by practicing with the dummies

I can see by allowing training with dummies might cause balancing issue, when some nerd who does'nt have a life just spends hundreds of hours hitting dummies to get his sword skill to 100.
But still, for some skills that are very hard to get usage with the enemies (such as spells), it would be helpful to get some skill points first with the dummies.
How about this, allow the user use the dummies to train a certain skill up to a certain point, for example skill level 20, after which hitting dummies will not reward skill experience. Or, make it an exponential growth so that higher the skill level less experience you get from the dummies.
I think it'll help when we have a low skill level with, say, marksman at 5, and we want to start using bows and arrows. We can just go to dummies or targets and hit them for 100 times before going out and try to shoot the bad guys.