Real world, there is little difference between men and women in athletics except at the extremes. Sure, ultimate strength/speed would generaly go a male, but for most athletic events, women are not far from parity with men. Intelligence and other factors are not really different between men and women. Women do tend ot think in relationships where men tend to think in a more linear fasion, but that may be more socialization than any inherent quality.
What Bethesda could do is come up with traits that are not necessarily male or female, but maybe something along the lines of a trait that lowers strength but gives better healing or increased agility at a cost of reduced strength. This way the player can apply the traits as they see fit to the character.
My experience is that women are better at thinking ahead, men tend to be a bit more direct and blunt. Both are pretty much equally intelligent, but in different ways.
In most cases that I've observed 8This a generalization and should not be taken too seriously) women tend lean more towards following emotion, where men lean more towards logic.
This is in no way an absolute fact, but it's my experience. In my experience, women tend to react differently to men, what I don't give a crap about is for some reason incredibly important to most women I know.
For example, I'm not someone who puts much stock in emotions, doesn't mean I don't get emotional, but I don't see the need to cry if I'm upset or to be passive aggressive.
I'm direct, if I get sad then I'm just sad, if I'm angry then I let people know about it.
This is getting a bit off topic, maybe, but the bottom line is. Men and Women are different, but to waht extent varies wildly.
Personally, I'd like to see different treatment based on a combination of gender and race. For example, Dunmer women have a reputation for promiscuity, Imperial women do not.
Obviously people would stereotype and treat these two groups differently.